Micro job

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The term microjob describes online-based contract work that is advertised to a crowd (group) and is a paid form of crowdsourcing . The compound term consists of the English word "job" for work and the term "micro" for smallest parts.

In contrast to normal work, the micro jobs are not carried out on site, but only virtually, using a PC, tablet or smartphone , and the work results are created digitally or transmitted digitally. In the case of "microjobs", the work performed is generally remunerated per completed task and not per working time . The remuneration is often poor in relation to the effort and is partly not in money, but in virtual points or awards.

Micro jobs are mediated through services and apps . In the closed systems of the micro-job providers, the work requirements are fragmented and processed technically and in terms of content. User administration and online payment are integrated into these systems.

The services act as an intermediary. The clients and the contractors, also known as clickworkers , remain anonymous. For the client, whose tasks are distributed to many contractors in the "crowd", the overall work performance of the "crowd" can quickly lead to results, as in crowdsourcing .


The tasks that are offered as jobs in these services are tasks that can be performed by humans, can be transmitted digitally and mostly serve to supplement databases with human experiences and human achievements. The tasks consist of, for example, categorizing pictures, preparing brief descriptions, taking photos of places in the vicinity and transcribing video and audio. The GPS of the smartphone is used to determine the position of location-based orders .

Examples of tasks:

  • Correcting misspellings
  • Transcribe audio
  • Fill out surveys
  • to describe pictures
  • Categorize images
  • Prepare short descriptions, product descriptions
  • Visit and describe links
  • Create photos
  • Carry out location-based orders
  • Record opening times

See also

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. https://www.aktiv-online.de/nachrichten/detailseite/news/micro-job-apps-geld-verdienen-mit-dem-smartphone-so- gehts- 9324
  2. Michael Hartlep: Micro jobs through apps. Deutsche Welle, August 27, 2013, accessed on February 12, 2014 .