Military sanitary facility

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Military sanitary facilities ( MSA ) were military health care institutions that were run by the Swiss Army at various locations in Switzerland during the First World War ( army sanitary facility ) and the Second World War .

According to the troop order of 1938, four military sanitary facilities were created at army level. The largest was in Lucerne . This, among other things worked Otto Veraguth , Hans Brun , Mieczyslaw Minkowski and H. Hoessly.

Colonel Karl Kistler was in command of the military medical facility 4 .

A “well-known military medical establishment (MSA)” was located in Lenk in the Simmental.


  • Hans Brun , Otto Veraguth and H. Hössly: On the diagnosis and treatment of the long-term consequences of war injuries. In: Messages from the military medical facility for internees in Lucerne. Verlag von Rascher & Cie, Zurich 1919. Volume I, pp. 347–433.
  • Max Winzenried: The military medical service in Switzerland from mediation to the Sonderbund War. 1954

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Hans Rudolf Fuhrer: Sanität. In: Historical Lexicon of Switzerland .
  2. ^ Article in Swiss Archives for Neurology and Psychiatry , Volume 82, 1958, pp. 93, 102 and 107.
  3. Cf. among others: Hans Brun , Otto Veraguth and H. Hössly: On the diagnosis and treatment of the long-term consequences of war injuries. In: Messages from the military medical facility for internees in Lucerne. Volume I. Verlag von Rascher & Cie, Zurich 1919, pp. 347–433.
  4. ^ "Emaciated to the bones" , article in the daily newspaper from January 3, 2012
  5. «Pincer attack on the village center»! , Article in the Simmental newspaper from February 11, 2009