Millî Nizam Partisi

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The National Order Party ( Turkish : Milli Nizam Partisi - MNP ) was an Islamist political party in Turkey. The MNP was the first political party of the Millî Görüş movement .

The party was founded on January 26, 1970 by Necmettin Erbakan . The first members of the MNP were former Islamist-oriented members of the Justice Party ( Adalet Partisi - AP ). The National Order Party propagated Islamic moral values ​​and nationalistic feelings and defended a statist economic policy and an industrial development policy led by the state. After the 1971 military coup , the party was banned by the Constitutional Court for its "anti- secular activities ".

The party's leading cadre founded the National Salvation Party on October 11, 1972, with a similar status and political program .