S-duality (homotopy theory)

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In algebraic topology , a branch of mathematics , S-duality denotes a duality between topological spectra and thus between generalized homology and cohomology theories .


Let and two spectra . We denote with her Smash product and with the spectrum of spheres .

A duality morphism or a duality between and is a morphism of spectra

so that for each spectrum the through

defined images

Are bijections .

The spectra and are called S-dual if there is a duality morphism . S-duality is a symmetrical relation .

Two spectra and are called -dual for if and S are dual. Here referred to the by -defined range.

S-dual morphism

Be and two duality morphisms, then there is a morphism for each

its S-dual morphism

defined as the image from under the isomorphism


( So it is well defined except for homotopy.)

In particular, S-dual is if and only if .


  • The canonical equivalence is an S-duality.
  • For a closed manifold with a hanging spectrum , the Milnor-Spaniard becomes S-duality
defined as follows: Choose an embedding for one and a tube environment with projection . Then we look at the composition
where the first image collapses to a point and the second image is induced by. Then
an S-duality.
If it is possible to orientate a ring spectrum , then the cohomological orientations (Thom classes) correspond to
the homological orientations (fundamental classes).


  • YB Rudyak: On Thom spectra, orientability, and cobordism , Springer-Verlag, 1998, Corrected reprint 2008

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