Minahasa languages

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Minahasa languages

Spoken in

Indonesia , North Sulawesi
speaker 250,000

The Minahasa languages form a branch of the Malayo-Polynesian languages within the Austronesian languages . The group of languages ​​is spoken by the Minahasa in northern Sulawesi. According to Zorc (1986) and Blust (1991) they belong to the Filipino languages .

Individual languages ​​are (Sneddon 1978: p. 9):

Individual evidence

  1. K. Alexander Adelaar, Nikolaus Himmelmann: The Austronesian languages ​​of Asia and Madagascar. Routledge, 2005.
  2. ^ RD Zorc: The genetic relationships of Philippine languages . In: P. Geraghty, L. Carrington, SA Wurm (Eds.) FOCAL II: Papers from the Fourth International Conference on Austronesian Linguistics. Australian National University, Canberra 1986.
  3. ^ Robert Blust: The Greater Central Philippines hypothesis . In: Oceanic Linguistics . 30, No. 2, 1991, pp. 73-129. doi : 10.2307 / 3623084 .
  4. James N. Sneddon: Proto-Minahasan: phonology, morphology, and wordlist . Pacific Linguistics, Canberra 1978.