Mindelheim Philosophy Prize

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The Mindelheim Philosophy Prize is an award for authors of philosophical books for children and young people, which was awarded by the city of Mindelheim and a jury made up of students from the Marist College in Mindelheim .

The prize was endowed with 5000 euros and was under the patronage of Auxiliary Bishop Anton Losinger . The first award in 2009 received national attention with reports in the book report and in the Börsenblatt. The award has been presented three times: in 2009 to Stephen Law for the book Why Cretans Lie When They Tell the Truth and Other Philosophy Adventures. An introduction to thinking , in 2011 to Wolfram Eilenberger for the book Philosophy for everyone who still plans something and in 2013 to Philipp Hübl for the book Follow the White Rabbit . The ceremony was originally supposed to take place in the Jesuit Hall, but was then moved to the Silverster Hall. The prize has not been awarded since then.

Individual evidence

  1. http://www.philosophiepreis.de/daten/mindelheimer_philosophiepreis.htm/
  2. https://www.buchreport.de/2009/03/02/mindelheimer-philosophiepreis/
  3. https://www.boersenblatt.net/artikel-auslösungen.312297.html/
  4. https://www.augsburger-allgemeine.de/mindelheim/Preis-fuer-Philosoph-Philipp-Huebl-id24163391.html/
  5. https://www.augsburger-allgemeine.de/mindelheim/Preisvergabe-schlaegt-Wellen-id24803351.html/