
from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A minisite is a website on which companies predominantly offer information on only one specific product or product group. This internet presence is often prepared with special multimedia content and thus has an increased entertainment character, in contrast to the general website, which usually provides factual information about the company and its range of services.


  • In terms of content, many different subject areas can be prepared
  • many small mini sites linked together, which can increase the ranking
  • Successful minisites can be expanded and built into full-fledged websites
  • With minisites you can create a website with comparatively little effort (financially and technically) and test the market for the advertised
  • Domain names / content can be limited to specific niches, which can lead to targeted traffic
  • high-quality minisites are more likely to attract traffic than "1-page domains"


  • A separate domain must be secured for each mini site
  • more difficult optimization, because hardly / little content is available on the site
  • the same content must not be on two different mini sites, otherwise this could result in U. exclusion from indexes of search engines means