Minna Reichert

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Minna Reichert (born Bene; born September 22, 1869 in Nieder Bielau, today in Pieńsk , Poland; † April 3, 1946 in Berlin ) was a German women's rights activist and politician, first of the SPD , then the USPD and finally the KPD .

Reichert was a housewife in Berlin. From 1907 she worked as a social democratic functionary in a local party organization. She was also active in the social democratic women's movement. From 1914 to 1917 she was a member of the SPD in the central executive committee for Greater Berlin. In 1915 Reichert took part in the Zimmerwald conference . Two years later she joined the USPD. Between 1919 and 1920 Reichert was a member of the party's Reich Women's Committee. For a few months in 1920 she was also a member of the central control commission of the USPD. In the party, Reichert belonged to the left wing and advocated joining the Comintern and joining the KPD. In 1920 and 1921 she was a member of the constituent Prussian state assembly as a successor . In December 1920, Reichert joined the KPD with a majority of the USPD. In 1921 she became party secretary for the Halle-Merseburg district. There she was responsible for women's work. She no longer ran for the state parliament, but became a member of the provincial parliament of Saxony . In 1926 she became a widow and moved to Berlin again. Until 1933 she remained a full-time consultant and instructor of the Central Committee of the KPD.


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