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Color temperature in K
Color temperature in mired

Mired (short for English microreciprocal degree ) is a unit of measurement for color temperature . The relationship
between Mired and the other commonly used unit, Kelvin, is as follows:


In practice, Dekamired is mostly used, 1 Dekamired is 10 mired.

In photography , a mired value or a mired shift factor specifies the shift in color temperature caused by conversion filters . So z. B. the effect of a full orange filter from 6,500 to 3,200 Kelvin a mired value of +159.

Changes in color temperature are more clearly perceptible to the human eye in low color temperature ranges than in high color temperature ranges: at a color temperature of 6000 K, a deviation of 100 K is practically imperceptible, while the same deviation is seen as a clear color difference at a color temperature of 3000 K. Since the unit Kelvin does not take this non-linear color perception into account, the unit Mired is usually used instead in photography.


Change in color temperature Mired
4000 K - 3000 K = 1000 K 83 Mired
7000 K - 6000 K = 1000 K 24 Mired