Mirko Breitenstein

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Mirko Breitenstein (* 1975 ) is a German historian .


From 1998 to 2002 he studied medieval history, recent and recent history, philosophy and German in Dresden . From 2003 to 2008 he was a research assistant at the SFB 537 Institutionality and Historicity / Pj. C Institutional structures of religious orders in the Middle Ages at the TU Dresden . After receiving his doctorate in 2007 in the subject of medieval history at the Technical University of Dresden, he was a research assistant at the Research Center for Comparative Order History (FOVOG) ( University of Eichstätt ) in 2009 . In 2010 he was a research assistant on the project “Monasteries in the High Middle Ages: Innovation laboratories for European life plans and order models” at the Heidelberg Academy of Sciences , Eichstätt . From 2011 to 2020 he was the head of the project Monasteries in the High Middle Ages: Innovation laboratories for European life plans and regulatory models at the Saxon Academy of Sciences in Leipzig , Dresden. After his habilitation in 2017 in the subject of medieval history at the Technical University of Dresden, he is director of the research center for comparative religious history.

His main research interests are comparative order history of the Middle Ages, spiritual literature in the Middle Ages and early modern times, conceptions of virtue in the Middle Ages and early modern times, and piety practice in the Middle Ages and early modern times.

Fonts (selection)

  • De novitiis instruendis. Text and context of an anonymous treatise from the end of the 12th century . Münster 2004, ISBN 3-8258-7241-6 .
  • The novitiate in the high Middle Ages. To organize the entrance of the Cluniac, Cistercian and Franciscan . Berlin 2008, ISBN 978-3-8258-1259-1 .
  • Four types of conscience. Traces of an organizational scheme from the Middle Ages to the modern age. With edition of the treatise “De quattuor modis conscientiarum” . Regensburg 2017, ISBN 3-7954-3225-1 .
  • The Benedictines. History, ways of life, spirituality . Munich 2019, ISBN 3-406-74001-4 .

Web links