Miss Venus

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The Miss Venus is chosen by image readers every year before the start of the Venus Berlin erotic fair . Readers can choose their Miss Venus from ten finalists . The Miss Venus is the flagship of the fair.

In 2008 Daniela Katzenberger stood for election, but did not reach the finals.

The last election for Miss Venus took place on September 29, 2012 in the “Maxxim” club. Micaela Schäfer and Gina-Lisa Lohfink were in the jury . The election was won by Anastasia, alias SteelAlarm . As "Miss Venus 2012" she represented the erotic fair for one year.

Award winners (selection)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Erotic fair: Hot choice for Miss Venus 2012 - BZ Berlin - September 30, 2012
  2. Daily mirror
  3. Anastasiya She is the new Miss Venus Erotikmesse Berlin