Employee satisfaction

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In business administration, employee satisfaction (job satisfaction) is understood to mean the attitude towards the work environment, which results from a weighing comparison between the expected work environment (target) and the actually perceived work environment (actual) . Employee satisfaction is a measure or a construct for assessing the well-being of employees and managers in a company.


The employee satisfaction construct is examined in research from a psychological and business perspective. An overview of the central work on employee satisfaction can be found in the following works: Fischer (1991), Neuberger (1974) and Stock-Homburg (2009).

Industrial and organizational psychology

In psychology, especially in work psychology and organizational psychology , employee satisfaction has been analyzed by Bruggemann, among others, since the 1970s (for a detailed insight into the development of the employee satisfaction construct in psychology, see job satisfaction ).

Marketing, personnel and organizational research

In business administration, the construct of employee satisfaction was examined, particularly in the areas of marketing, personnel and organizational research. In these research areas, primarily the effects of employee satisfaction on company-related attitudes and behavior of employees and the behavior of employees in customer contact are examined. Various studies have shown that employee satisfaction has a positive influence on the following factors:

A negative influence could only be determined in the case of employee fluctuation in relation to employee satisfaction.

Measurement of employee satisfaction

Employee satisfaction is measured through employee surveys and 360-degree feedback or indirectly using the parameters: employee turnover , termination rate, sick leave , days absent , error rate . It can also be seen in the corporate culture , communication and management style, and of course in the company's success.

Improving employee satisfaction

The satisfaction of the employees increases if they are respected by the managers and if they are allowed to have a say. It depends on the tone, job security, salary, development opportunities, freedoms and areas of responsibility, management style , personal and corporate success, the company's public image and much more.

See also


  • Yvonne Ferreira, job satisfaction: basics, fields of application, relevance , Kohlhammer Verlag, Stuttgart 2019, ISBN 978-3-17-035122-6 .
  • Susanne Kleinhenz, Dialogic Management to Increase Employee Satisfaction: Personnel and Organizational Development for Executives , Springer, Wiesbaden 2015, ISBN 978-3-658-11842-6 .
  • Stephan Otte, job satisfaction. Changing values , VDM Verlag Dr. Müller, Saarbrücken 2007, ISBN 9783836452113 .
  • Achim Pothmann, Jobglück - How you learn to love Monday , Humboldt-Verlag, Hannover 2019, ISBN 978-3869101149 .

Web links


  1. Fischer, L. (Ed.): Job satisfaction 1991, ISBN 978-3878440147 .
  2. ^ Neuberger, O. (1974): Theories of job satisfaction , Stuttgart
  3. a b Stock-Homburg, R. (2009): The connection between employee and customer satisfaction. Direct, indirect and moderating effects , 4th edition, Wiesbaden, ISBN 9783834920911 .
  4. Bruggemann, A. (1974): To differentiate between different forms of “job satisfaction” , work and performance, 28, 11, 281–284.
  5. Bruggemann, A. (1976): On the empirical investigation of various forms of job satisfaction , Zeitschrift für Arbeitswwissenschaft, 30, 2, 71–74.
  6. Stock-Homburg 2009, p. 15
  7. a b Felps et al. (2009): Turnover Contagion: How Coworkers' Job Embeddedness and Job Search Behaviors Influence Quitting , Academy of Management Journal, 52, 3, 545-561.
  8. Wegge, J./Schmidt, K.-H./Parkes, C./van Dick, R. (2007): “Taking a Sickie”: Job Satisfaction and Job Involvement as Interactive Predictors of Absenteeism in a Public Organization , Journal of Occupational & Organizational Psychology, 80, 1, 77-89.
  9. Koys, D. (2001): The Effects of Employee Satisfaction, Organizational Citizenship Behavior, and Turnover on Organizational Effectiveness: A Uni-Level, Longitudinal Study , Personnel Psychology, 54, 103-114.
  10. ^ Stock, R. (2002): Customer orientation on the individual level: The attitude-behavior model , Die Betriebswirtschaft, 62, 1, 55-72.
  11. floor, R./Hoyer, W. (2005): An Attitude-Behavior Model of Sales People's Customer Orientation , Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 33, 4, 536-553.
  12. a b floor, R./Hoyer, W. (2002): Leadership Style as Driver of Sales People's Customer Orientation , Journal of Market Focused Management, 5, 4, 353-374.
  13. Homburg, Ch. (2000): Customer proximity of industrial goods companies. Conception - Effects of Success - Determinants , 3rd edition, Wiesbaden.
  14. Wright, T./Cropanzano, R./Bonett, D. (2007): The Moderating Role of Employee Positive Wellbeing in the Relation Between Job Satisfaction and Job Performance , Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 12, 2, 93-104 .
  15. Chang, CH, Rosen, CC, Levy, PE (2009): The relationship between perceptions of organizational politics and employee attitudes, strain, and behavior: A meta-analytic examination , Academy of Management Journal, 52, 4, 779-801 .