Mlib Tmetuchl

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Mlib Tmetuchl is a Palauan politician who has been President of the Senate since 2008.

Tmetuchl was elected to the Senate of Palau, the nine-member upper house of the Palau parliament ( Olbiil Era Kelulau ), for the first time in November 2000 . He was re-elected in November 2004 and November 2008. During the 7th Olbiil Era Kelulau he was Deputy Senate President. In the 8th Olbiil Era Kelulau , he was elected as the new Senate President by his Senate colleagues.

Tmetuchl is married and has three children, two sons and a daughter. He is currently the President of Pacifica Development Corporation , a company founded by his father, politician and businessman Roman Tmetuchl .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Roman Tmetuchl: a Palauan visionary: a biography (2002)