Modular Audio Recognition Framework

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The modular audio detection Framework ( English modular audio recognition framework, MARF ) includes a collection of in Java -written algorithms which are in the voice, speech, sound, and text recognition using. The framework has a modular structure and thus facilitates the integration of new algorithms. MARF serves as an algorithm library for your own software projects and is suitable as a source for independent learning and exploration of the provided algorithms. MARF has detailed documentation in the form of a user manual, API reference in javadoc format and a large number of application examples. The entire framework is released for use under the BSD license.


  • Douglas O'Shaughnessy: Speech Communications . IEEE Press, New Jersey 2000.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ MARF, The Modular Audio Recognition Framework, and its Applications: Programmer's Manual. (PDF; 989 kB) Retrieved on August 26, 2007 .
  2. MARF Developers' API. Retrieved August 10, 2007 .