Master of Otto van Moerdrecht

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Master of Otto van Moerdrecht: The wife of Endor

A medieval illuminator is referred to as the Moerdrecht Master or Master of Otto van Moerdrecht ( Dutch: Meester van Otto van Moerdrecht) . He was active in the north of the Netherlands around 1420 or 1430 . The artist, who is not known by name, got his emergency name after a few miniatures which he contributed to a manuscript Postilla in Prophetas commissioned by the Utrecht cleric Otto van Moerdrecht. One of the miniatures represents the client, the other a seraphim, which is why the master was sometimes referred to as the master of the seraph .


Miniatures in:

  • Nicolas de Lyre: Postilla in Prophetas (1423-5; Utrecht, Bib.Rijksuniv., MS. 252)
    • Isaiah f.43 and f.44

The Moerdrecht master is said to have painted a precious bible manuscript made by Thomas von Kempen in 1427 in five volumes

  • Bible manuscript (1427, Darmstadt, State and University Library, Hs 237)


  • E. Panofsky: Early Netherlandish Painting, Its Origins and Character (2 vol.). Cambridge (MA) 1953
  • HLM Defoer, AS Korteweg, WCM Wüstefeld: The Golden Age of Dutch Manuscript Painting (exhibition catalog Utrecht, Rijksmuseum Het Cathaijne-convent and New York, Pierpont Morgan Library). Stuttgart 1989
  • E. Panofsky: Old Dutch painting - its origin and essence (2 vol.). Cologne 2001 (Translated and edited by J. Sander)
  • HP Neuheuser: The canon sheets from the school of the Moerdrecht master . In: Wallraf-Richartz-Jahrbuch, 64.2003, pp. 187-214
  • W. van Bergen: De meesters van Otto van Moerdrecht. Een onderzoek naar de stijl en iconografie van een groep miniaturists, in relatie tot de productie van getijdenboeken in Brugge rond 1430 . Amsterdam (self-published) 2007

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