Mohammad Tolouei

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Mohammad Tolouei (born May 11, 1979 in Rascht , Iran ), maiden name Seid-Mohammad Tolouei-Barazandeh , is an Iranian poet, screenwriter, writer and playwright .

The author is known for his romantic poems in Persian , which are translated into various other languages ​​such as: B. English have been translated. For his debut novel "Fair Wind's Prey" he was awarded national literary prizes such as the Shahid Ghanipoor Award and the Wow Literary Prize.

His debut novel is about the people of Rasht during the Second World War. Other subjects in his prose are the forced emigration of Polish migrants across Iran and the emergence of the Iranian Communist Party.

In 2011, Ofoq Publications published Tolouei's first collection of short stories, “I'm not Jeanette”. The book was received positively by the critics

The book won the twelfth Golshiri Award for Short Story Collections in 2013. From November 2011 Tolouei writes for Hamshari Fiction Monthly. He is currently the director of the Iranian Association of Writers for Children.


  • Sacrifice for good wind (Fair Wind's Prey)
  • I am not Jeannette. Persian edition. Ofaq publishing house. ISBN 978-964369711-2
  • Lessons from father
  • Anatomy of depression

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Translation of three poems into English