Lunar eclipse of January 21, 2019

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Total lunar eclipse
on January 21, 2019
Ecliptic North Up The moon moves through the umbra of the earth.
Lunar eclipse chart close-2019Jan21.png
Saros cycle 134 (27 of 73)
gamma +0.3684
Duration (hours: minutes: seconds)
totality 1: 1: 59
Partiality 3:16:45
Penumbrality 5:11:30
Contacts ( CET )
P1 (start of penumbrality) 3:36:30
U1 (start of partiality) 4:33:54
U2 (start of totality) 5:41:17
Maximum eclipse 6:12:16
U3 (end of totality) 6:43:16
U4 (end of partiality) 7:50:39
P4 (end of penumbrality) 8:48:00

The lunar eclipse of January 21, 2019 was the first lunar eclipse in 2019 and after the lunar eclipse in July of the previous year, it was also observed in Europe in the early morning.


Darkness in the constellation Cancer

Picture gallery

View of the lunar eclipse in Argentina
Image 1
picture 2
picture 3
Picture 4
Pic 5
Pic 6

Meteoroid impact

During the lunar eclipse , a small meteoroid struck the Earth-facing side of the moon and produced a small flash of light at 5:41:43 a.m., which can be seen in some photos. The impact point is 29.47S, 57.77W +/- 4km.

Web links

Commons : Lunar eclipse of January 21, 2019  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. of January 22, 2019