Lunar eclipse of August 30th 367 BC Chr.

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The lunar eclipse of August 30, 367 BC, noted in Babylonian sources . Chr. Belongs to the genus of ACT texts . This record acquired particular importance through reference to the Achaemenid King Artaxerxes II. Today the cuneiform tablet BM 35184 is in the British Museum in London .

Babylonian mention

The astronomical event mentioned was a total lunar eclipse that had to be dated precisely based on the information in the cuneiform text. The lunar eclipse fell in a leap year in the Babylonian calendar and occurred on the night of August 30  ,  367 BC. A. The scribe of the Babylonian cuneiform text noted the exact time of the lunar eclipse:

"[Artaxerxes II. 38th year]: On the night of the 13th Abu (August 25th greg. ) 56 deg after sunset the covering of the moon began ."

- BM 35184

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  1. ^ Date in the proleptic Julian calendar .
  2. The 1st Abu fell on August 18, 367 BC. Chr .; the 1st Nisannu on the 19th / 20th April 367 BC Chr.
  3. ^ Francis Richard Stephenson: Historical Eclipses and Earth's rotation . P. 166.