Monika Lemke-Kokkelink

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Monika Lemke-Kokkelink (* 1954 ) is a German architect and author .


Monika Lemke-Kokkelink published on architects such as Ludwig Winter and Carl Theodor Ottmer . For the Technical University of Braunschweig she wrote about their architecture teacher until 1995. Together with her husband Günther Kokkelink , who died in 2013 , she wrote about Conrad Wilhelm Hase's architecture school in Hanover .

Together with Günther Kokkelink and Reinhard Glaß, she runs a database “Architects and artists directly related to Conrad Wilhelm Hase” (see web links).

Lemke-Kokkelink lives in Hanover .


  • Ludwig Winter (22.1.1843–6.5.1930), city planner and architect of historicism in Braunschweig. Catalog for the exhibition on the occasion of the 150th birthday in the Braunschweig town hall from October 12 to November 12, 1993 in the Braunschweig City Library, organized by the City of Braunschweig (also in the series: Braunschweiger Werkstücke / Publications from the city's archive, library and museum. Series A , Vol. 86, Braunschweig 1993), ISBN 3-87884-040-3 .
  • Roland Böttcher, Kristiana Hartmann, Monika Lemke-Kokkelink, with the assistance of Doris Dill: Die Architekturlehrer der TU Braunschweig 1814–1995. published on the occasion of the 250th anniversary of the Technical University of Braunschweig, ISBN 3-87884-046-2 .
  • Monika Lemke-Kokkelink with the collaboration of Gundela Lemke and taking into account a collection of materials by F. Peter Müller: 100 years of city drainage Braunschweig. Festschrift on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the Steinhof Rieselgut and the 40th anniversary of the founding of the Braunschweig Sewage Association, published by the City of Braunschweig, Baudezernat, Stadtentwässerung, 1995, ISBN 3-924595-50-X .
  • From Heinrichsbrunnen to the Romanesque Festival - City Planning Officer Ludwig Winter (1843–1930) as architect and director of the Heinrichskult in Braunschweig. In: Jochen Luckhardt and Franz Niehoff (eds.): Heinrich the lion and his time. Catalog of the exhibition Braunschweig 1995, Volume 3, Nachleben department, Munich 1995, pp. 74–82.
  • Günther Kokkelink, Monika Lemke-Kokkelink: Architecture in Northern Germany / Architecture and arts and crafts of the Hanover School 1850–1900. Schlütersche , Hannover 1998, ISBN 3-87706-538-4 .
  • Paths to Ottmer / 60 stations from Ahlum to Zorge / A guide to the surviving buildings by the architect Carl Theodor Ottmer (1800–1843), to stations in his life and to buildings by his most important students and employees on his 200th birthday in 2000. Published by Udo Gebauhr, Meyer, Braunschweig 2000, ISBN 3-926701-40-4 .
  • Günther Kokkelink, Monika Lemke-Kokkelink: Conrad Wilhelm Hase 1818–1902, founder of the Hanover School of Architecture. Exhibition on the 100th anniversary of death in the Hannover City Archives 2002. (List of works, status: February 2002, with dates of life and bibliographical information.)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Entry on, accessed on September 22, 2012.
  2. Conrad von Meding: Building expert Prof. Kokkelink has died. He created the building collection in Hanover's city archive. Obituary. In: Hannoversche Allgemeine Zeitung No. 276 of November 26, 2013, p. 15.
  3. Address at, Conrad Wilhelm Hase website, accessed on September 22, 2012.