Tomorrow freedom

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Tomorrow freedom (Original title: מאָרגן־פרײהײט; English : Morning Freedom ) was a Yiddish newspaper in New York from 1922 to 1988. It was affiliated with the Communist Party of the USA .


The morning of freedom was founded in 1922 by Moissaye Olgin (Moishe Olgin, 1878-1939). She represented positions of the Jewish communist labor movement, supported the Soviet Union and spoke out against racism in the USA . In 1925 up to 22,000 copies could be sold per day. It was one of the most important Yiddish newspapers in the USA. One of her most famous collaborators was the communist writer Michael Gold .

In 1939 Paul Novick took over the management of the newspaper. The newspaper supported the Zionist movement in Palestine. This brought increasing criticism from the Communist Party. Paul Novick was expelled from the party.

In 1988, shortly before the death of Paul Novick, Morgen Freiheit ceased its publication.


  • Henry Felix Srebrnik, Dreams of Nationhood: American Jewish Communists and the Soviet Birobidzhan Project, 1924-1951. Brighton, MA, 2010; P. 2ff