Moubray Piedmont Glacier

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Moubray Piedmont Glacier
location Victoria Land , East Antarctica
Type Foreland glacier
Coordinates 71 ° 55 ′  S , 170 ° 20 ′  E Coordinates: 71 ° 55 ′  S , 170 ° 20 ′  E
Moubray Piedmont Glacier (Antarctica)
Moubray Piedmont Glacier
drainage Moubray Bay

The Moubray Piedmont Glacier is a foreland glacier on the Borchgrevink coast of the East Antarctic Victoria Land . It occupies the northern part of Moubray Bay . It is fed by the Moubray Glacier and other ice streams on the west side of the southern end of the Adare Peninsula .

Participants of the New Zealand Geological Survey Antarctic Expedition (1957-1958) named him after George Henry Moubray (1810-1887), administrator on duty on the research vessel HMS Terror during the Antarctic expedition (1839-1843) under James, based on the name of the bay of the same name Clark Ross '.

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