Muddle earth

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Television series
German title Muddle earth
Original title Muddle Earth
Country of production United Kingdom
original language English
year 2010
Episodes 26 in 2 seasons
genre cartoon
First broadcast March 15, 2010 on CBBC
first broadcast
May 6, 2013 on KIKA

Muddle Earth (Original title: Muddle Earth) is a British animated series , which in 2010 was produced.


The young goblin Joe is looking for adventure and travels to muddy earth. In addition, he wants to become a great magician one day and meets the magician Randalf on his long journey through an imaginative world. This teaches Joe the art of magic, which leads to new adventures and challenges.

Production and publication

The series was produced in the United Kingdom in 2010 and directed by Tim Harper and Vincent James. This resulted in 2 seasons and 26 episodes.

The series first aired on March 15, 2010 on CBBC. The German premiere took place on May 6, 2013 on KiKA . The series was also released on DVD .

Episode list

season 1





German title German premiere Original title Original broadcast
1 01 Footwear of horror 05/06/2013 Footwear Of Doom 03/15/2010
2 02 Freezing cold in muddy earth 05/17/2013 Ice Cold In Muddle March 16, 2010
3 03 Unkelbert the monster 05/30/2013 Ogre The Hills And Far Away 03/17/2010
4th 04 The dragon cuckoo egg 07/05/2013 Muddle Earth Cuckoo 03/18/2010
5 05 The Plapperbach 05/20/2013 Babbling Brook 03/19/2010
6th 06 The giant cucumber 05/31/2013 Turnip For The Books 03/22/2010
7th 07 The wizard contest 05/08/2013 Best Wizard In Show 03/23/2010
8th 08 Kite winds 05/21/2013 Dragon wind 03/24/2010
9 09 Mordolf the masterful 06/03/2013 Mordrolf The Magnificent 03/25/2010
10 10 Clothes make the man 05/09/2013 Clothes Maketh The Man 03/26/2010
11 11 Randalf's wrinkled turnip 05/22/2013 Randalf's Memory Meltdown 03/29/2010
12 12 Ogres for sale! 06/04/2013 Missing Norbert 03/30/2010
13 13 In love with a frog 05/10/2013 Love Potion 03/31/2010

season 2





German title German premiere Original title
14th 01 Attack of the trolls 05/23/2013 Attack Of The Trolls
15th 02 Come to the garden, Molly Mary! 06/05/2013 Come Into The Garden Mucky Maud
16 03 The muddy earth Grand Prix 05/13/2013 The Great Elf And Spoon Race
17th 04 The masked ball 05/24/2013 The Big Night Out
18th 05 The house dragon 06/06/2013 Don't go changing
19th 06 Pig gallop 05/14/2013 Stampede
20th 07 Pestie and the Schnöselprinz 05/27/2013 Pesticide Shall Go To The Ball
21st 08 The Smelly Swamp Demons 06/07/2013 Ill wind
22nd 09 The toy tax 05/15/2013 Toy soldiers
23 10 The fairies go crazy! 05/28/2013 Fairy fairy
24 11 Norbert and the golden lot 05/15/2013 Norbert And The Golden Ticket
25th 12 The Horned Duke 05/16/2013 The Horned Duke
26th 13 Schnodderball 05/29/2013 The big match

Web links