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Mui is a Chinese surname in Cantonese pronunciation (梅 Standard Chinese Mei )

Mui is the family name of the following people:

  • Anita Mui ( 梅艷芳  /  梅艳芳 , 1963–2003), Chinese singer and actress
  • Ann Mui ( 梅愛芳  /  梅爱芳 , 1959–2000), Chinese singer and actress
  • Mui Ching Yeung (* 1993), Chinese hurdler (Hong Kong)
  • Ng Mui ( 五 枚 ), a Chinese nun who is considered the inventor of the martial art Wing Chun (Kung Fu)

Mui is the name of the following places:

Mui is also a Rheiderland version of the morning and universal greeting:

MUI is an abbreviation for:

MuI is an abbreviation for: