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Classification according to ICD-10
J34.1 Cyst or mucocele of the nose and sinus
H04.4 Lacrimal mucocele
K11.6 Mucocele of the salivary glands
K82.1 Gallbladder mucocele
ICD-10 online (WHO version 2019)
Computed tomography of a large mucocele in the right maxillary sinus with displacement of the nasal septum

A mucocele is an accumulation ( -cele ) of mucus  ( lat. Mucus) in a cavity (mostly paranasal sinuses ) due to an obstruction of the flow of mucus due to the closure of the duct.


The scarred or bony occlusion occurs most frequently after an operation or trauma , less often after sinusitis or a tumor , but it can also arise spontaneously; this leads to a build-up of secretion and cyst formation .

In the case of mucoceles of the paranasal sinuses, the result is a breakdown of the bony walls with protrusion of the mucocele in the area of ​​the nose and eye socket . Large mucoceles of the frontal sinus and ethmoid bone can lead to exophthalmos , press the eyeball and limit its mobility.

A mucocele in the appendix vermiformis (in the "appendix") causes abdominal surgery problems .

Surgical removal of a mucocele of a mucous gland in the lower lip


  • Maria Schmutz: On the etiology, genesis and therapy of mucoceles of the maxillary sinus . Diss. Univ. Tuebingen 1981.
  • V. Quiel, H.-F. Holzwarth, M. Letzel: Mucocele of the appendix vermiformis . Zentralblatt für Gynäkologie 122 (2000), pp. 525-527.
  • PA Dimopoulos: Mucocele of the appendix . RöFo 141 (2008), pp. 359-361.
  • The Sinus Mucocele - An X-ray Diagnostic Problem? RöFo 117 (2009), pp. 642-647.

Individual evidence

  1. Pschyrembel, ISBN 3-11-007018-9