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Muljadi (born September 11, 1942 in Jember , Jawa Timur , † March 14, 2010 in Malang ; also known as Ang Tjin Siang ) was an Indonesian badminton player .


In 1964 he won the Thomas Cup with the Indonesian team , where he won his singles against Henning Borch in the final against Denmark with 15:10 and 15: 5. Three years later he lost the title with his team to Malaysia. In 1970, however, the Indonesian team countered again, and won the title back with two Muljadi victories. In 1973 the Indonesians defended the Cup, again with the help of Indonesia, which again contributed two individual victories to the team win.

Muljadi won the men's singles in 1966 at the Asian Games . In 1970 he finished second. In 1966 he won the French Open .
