Muller machine

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The Muller automaton referred to Automata Theory , a 1963 by David E. Muller imagined concept of ω-automata . This type - deterministic as well as nondeterministic - has the same expressiveness as nondeterministic Büchi automata . In contrast, the number of states visited infinitely often is precisely defined, which allows more precise statements about acceptance behavior.

Muller machine for word recognition

A non-deterministic Muller automaton has the form . The following applies here:

  • is the set of states, is the starting state
  • is the transition relation
  • is the board, d. H. for certain amounts

For deterministic automata, the transition relation is a function , so it has clear images and the automaton therefore has clear runs.

The Muller-acceptable ω-languages are the Boolean combinations of the deterministic-Büchi-recognizable ω-languages. Every deterministic Büchi automaton can be expressed as a Muller automaton. The class of Muller-recognizable ω-languages ​​is thus closed under Boolean operations. In order to construct a (nondeterministic) Büchi automaton for a Muller automaton, one lets the Büchi automaton guess which is the correct set, which has to be run through infinitely often, and from when the runs must begin.

Acceptance behavior

A run is successful when , with . This is called the Muller Acceptance .

accepts a word when a run from on is successful.

The Muller condition is: for one

In order to be accepted, a certain amount from the board has to be completely run through infinitely often.

Muller automat for tree recognition

A Muller tree automaton has the format where and are a set of subsets of .

A Muller tree automaton accepts a tree if there is a run from to such that on every path of the set of infinitely often occurring states is an element of .


  • Wolfgang Thomas: Automata on Infinite Objects. In: Jan van Leeuwen (Ed.): Handbook of Theoretical Computer Science. Volume B: Formal Models and Semantics. Elsevier Science Publishers et al., Amsterdam et al. 1990, ISBN 0-444-88074-7 , pp. 133-164.