Reinbek Museum Association

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The history and museum association Reinbek e. V. was founded in 1989 with the aim of supporting the construction, administration and presentation of a collection of local history for the city ​​of Reinbek , as well as providing interested parties with information on local history.


At the end of 1985 the Volkshochschule Sachsenwald in Reinbek offered a working group for urban history in its program. The first steps were explorations through Reinbeck streets with old buildings and dealing with the history of the individual districts, the collection of information and pictures, supported by the director of the VHS and, on an hourly basis, by a historically experienced ABM worker.

In 1988 the working group presented its first large exhibition “Reinbek 100 Years Ago ” in Reinbek Castle for the 750th anniversary of the city of Reinbek .

The exhibits aroused great interest among the visitors and so the working group received the recommendation to found an association that deals with the acceptance and administration of historical material and aims to set up a local history collection. In October 1989 the association "Local History Museum Reinbek" was founded.

The city of Reinbek provided a storage room for collecting historical objects; A considerable collection of photos was created, and countless pages of text on Reinbeck's local history were written and collected. Together with the Reinbek City Archives, members of the association published the books “Reinbek in old views” and “Paths through Reinbek's history”.

Soon, instead of “Ortsgeschichtliches Museum Reinbek eV”, only the abbreviation “Museumsverein” was in use. As a result, the association's board decided in 1999 to rename the association "Museumsverein Reinbek eV".


Since it was founded, the association has designed and shown a total of 40 exhibitions with urban and regional history content in Reinbek Castle and the Rade Museum .

From 1988 to 2006 there was an annual exhibition with a different topic in the Stormarn room of Reinbek Castle. It was about the history of the city, the Hamburg-Berlin railway , the fire brigades, the electrical works, the post office, the Federal Research Institute for Forestry and Wood Management , Reinbek's streets and paths, Reinbek personalities and - with particular attention - “A Garden in Reinbek ”about the life of Arthur Goldschmidt and his family. His original drawings, made in the Theresienstadt concentration camp, could also be shown here.

Since 1994, the annual exhibitions in the castle, which dealt with urban history topics, had been joined by others: exhibitions in the Rade Museum, which were developed for adults and school children. Objects from the museum association's now impressive collection were shown here, describing the life of earlier generations. There were reports on large laundry, stock management, handicrafts, handicrafts, grocery stores and groceries, life in the house, farm and agriculture, about childhood, auxiliary services and health. From the very beginning, booklets are prepared for every exhibition in the Museum Rade.

The members of the museum association achieved something special in 2005 - 60 years after the end of the Second World War - with the exhibition "Ways out of darkness - the years 1945 to 1948". Numerous contributions by contemporary witnesses have also been summarized in booklets. In addition to the exhibitions, the “Tree Walks” and “3000 Steps through Reinbek” imparted knowledge of the history of the city.

In addition, information boards were set up at 20 buildings and squares in Reinbek, which were developed and partially financed by the museum association. For the 775th anniversary of the city of Reinbek in 2013, the association created an exhibition on the city's history, which can now be seen as a permanent exhibition in the "Krummspanner" in Reinbek Castle.

In 2016 the Reinbeker Museumsverein set up the website "Reinbeker Stories", in addition to its homepage and with the support of the city and the city archive, on which Reinbeker fellow citizens report from their childhood, their everyday life and current events in the middle of the 20th century. Many an entertaining story shows life in what was then Reinbek.


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