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MUTE logo.png
MUTE logo.png
MUTE logo
Basic data

developer Jason Rohrer
Publishing year 2003
Current  version 0.5.1b
(May 27, 2009)
operating system Microsoft Windows , GNU / Linux , Mac OS X
programming language C ++
category peer to peer
License Public domain
German speaking Yes

MUTE is a free peer-to-peer - file sharing program that is trying to conceal the identity of the user. MUTE was developed by Jason Rohrer as a native application for Windows , Linux and Mac OS X and published under the public domain . MUTE has not been developed any further since 2009.


  • Completely decentralized network without any central (index) server; Search is done by controlled flooding.
  • Use of indirect connections: The provider and recipient of a file do not have a direct connection with each other, rather the connection is established via several intermediate nodes, so that neither the recipient knows from which node it is downloading, nor the sender to whom it is transmitting the file. Each node only knows the IP addresses of a few neighboring nodes.
  • Encryption of the connections between neighboring nodes in the network ( RSA , AES ).
  • The routing is based on an ant algorithm .

Thus, MUTE should enable the exchange of files with the greatest possible privacy . Similar techniques are also used with Freenet , RetroShare , GNUnet , I2P and others.

Alternative clients

The following clients are compatible with MUTE, but, like MUTE, will no longer be developed further.

  • Kommunte (last version appeared 2010)
  • Calypso (last version appeared 2010)
  • MFC MUTE (last version released in 2005)
  • Napshare (last version released in 2005)

Web links

Alternative clients: