Idiopathic mucinosis

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The Idiopathic mucinosis is in Shar Peis occurring skin disease of unknown origin. Presumably it is genetic. It is associated with increased deposition of glycosaminoglycans in the dermis ( myxedema ), which gives the skin a doughy consistency. Secondary skin changes such as hair loss, pustules , reddening of the skin , hyperkeratosis , which are associated with severe itching , usually follow .

Myxedema of other causes such as hypothyroidism , dermatomyositis , lupus erythematosus and mycosis fungoides must be excluded from the differential diagnosis .

Anti-inflammatory glucocorticoids such as methylprednisolone are used therapeutically, and antibiotics such as amoxicillin in combination with clavulanic acid are used for secondary bacterial infections . A previous antibiogram is strongly recommended according to the antibiotic guidelines.


  • GH Mueller et al .: Small Animal Dermatology . Saunders, 1989, pp. 842 and 952.
  • Hanjörg Schäfer and Karl Spieth: Case report: Idiopathic mucinosis in a Shar Pei . In: Kleintierpraxis 37 (1992), pp. 403-404.