Myōchikai Kyōdan

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Myōchikai Kyōdan ( Japanese 妙智 会 教 団 ) is a neo-Buddhist movement that emerged from the religious community Reiyūkai (Society of Friends of Spirits) of Nichiren Buddhism . It was founded on October 12, 1950 by Miyamoto Mitsu . At the center of their belief is the Lotus Sutra . Its current head is Miyamoto Takeyasu , who is also President of the Arigatou Foundation . As an NGO within the UN , Myōchikai Kyōdan is also connected to UNICEF and the UNHCR . According to Pokorny, the organization is said to have had around 957,000 members in 2011.

See also


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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Myōchikai ( Memento of March 28, 2014 in the Internet Archive )
  2. ^ Message from Rev. Takeyasu Miyamoto ( Memento from December 14, 2013 in the Internet Archive )
  3. UNICEF: Reverend Takeyasu Miyamoto
  4. ^ Pokorny, Lukas (2011). New Religious Movements in Japan Today: An Overview ( December 14, 2013 memento on the Internet Archive ). In: Hödl, Hans Gerald and Veronika Futterknecht, ed. Religions after secularization. Festschrift for Johann Figl on his 65th birthday, Vienna: LIT, p. 190