My Flaming Heart

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Nat King Cole, around 1946
Photo: William P. Gottlieb

My Flaming Heart is a song by Nikolaus Brodszky (music) and Leo Robin (lyrics) that was released in 1952.

Brodszky and Robin wrote My Flaming Heart for the musical film Small Town Girl (1953, directed by László Kardos), with Jane Powell , Farley Granger and Ann Miller in the leading roles. In the film, the song is presented by Nat King Cole (who appears as himself in a nightclub) and the Nelson Riddle Orchestra. The song received an Oscar nomination for Best Song in 1954 . Nat Cole released the song, coupled with I Am in Love, on Capitol Records (F 2459); the single rose to # 4 on the Billboard chart in 1953 in the United States.

The first two lines of the song read: Burn low my flaming heart / A night like this could be the end or the start .

Cover versions of the song took u. a. Kenny Drew Jr. and John Stein / Ron Gill.

Web links

  • Inclusion in the catalog of the German National Library: DNB 381202917

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Catalog of the National Library of Australia
  2. Small Town Girl in the Internet Movie Database (English)
  3. ^ The 1954 Oscars in the Internet Movie Data Base .
  4. ^ Billboard, June 6, 1953
  5. Nat King Cole - My Flaming Heart at
  6. Tom Lord The Jazz Discography (online, accessed January 10, 2014)