Mycoplasma arthritis and polyserositis in pigs

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The Mykoplasmenarthritis and -polyserositis is an infectious disease in pigs caused by the mycoplasma Mycoplasma hyorhinis and Mycoplasma hyosynoviae is caused.

Disease emergence

The piglets become infected with the pathogen from the age of three weeks. The pathogen spreads and multiplies in the blood. The mycoplasmas settle in the lungs , joints and linings of the body cavities . The tonsils serve as a retreat organ for the pathogen . M. hyorhinis occurs more in Europe, M. hyosynoviae more in the USA.


Infections with M. hyorhinis lead to fever, lameness, joint swelling and shortness of breath due to serofibrinous and fibrinous-purulent polyserositis and joint inflammation at the age of three to ten weeks. At the age of three to six months, M. hyosynoviae lead to sudden lameness and movement disorders due to non-purulent joint inflammation.


The treatment is carried out with mycoplasma-effective antibiotics such as tylosin , tiamulin or lincomycin three times at one-day intervals. In addition, the use of glucocorticoids and painkillers is recommended . As a prophylactic measure, feed or water medications can be administered when stabling.


  • Medical microbiology, infection and epidemic theory von Rolle / Mayr, Enke Verlag Stuttgart (2007)