Nuremberg marathon

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The Nuremberg Marathon is a marathon in Nuremberg that took place from 1978 to 1981, from 1983 to 1993 and a third edition on May 2, 2004 and April 24, 2005. The first and third edition was organized by TSV Katzwang . A half marathon was offered as a further competition in 2005 .

In 2006, the running event was discontinued because sponsorship funds for the 2006 World Cup were flowing.


After the start at the Zeppelin grandstand on the Nazi party rally grounds, the route led on asphalt roads to the edge of the historic Nuremberg old town. There you walked past the Lorenzkirche through the pedestrian zone in the center of Nuremberg. Finally, you left the city of Nuremberg on paved footpaths and entered the green park landscape along the Wöhrder See . In 2005 the goal was in the Nuremberg Franken Stadium .



  • Fastest runners: Hannes Schmidt (2:36:06) and Maria Bak (2:54:49)
  • Finisher: 1736 (1527 men and 210 women)


  • Fastest runners (marathon): Hannes Schmidt (2:36:16) and Jutta Kolenc (3:12:43)
  • Fastest runners (half marathon): Bernd Hagen (1:14:19) and Nicole Kresse (1:28:30)
  • Marathon finishers: 1144 (998 men and 146 women)
  • Half marathon finishers: 1496 (1159 men and 337 women)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ The "Ewige" German Marathon Hit Parade , accessed on May 25, 2013.
  2. ^ Augsburg - Reverse race for a good cause , accessed on May 25, 2013.
  3. Nuremberg Marathon canceled , accessed on May 25, 2013.