NAS Award for Scientific Discovery

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The NAS Award for Scientific Discovery is a prize from the National Academy of Sciences that has been presented every two years since 2015 for outstanding achievements in basic research. The candidate must be from a research institution or university in the United States. The award is endowed with $ 50,000 in prize money and an additional $ 50,000 in support of the awardee's research and is associated with a medal. The research areas astronomy, biochemistry, biophysics, chemistry, materials science and physics are taken into account in alternation.

Award winners

  • 2015 Jonathan Weissman in particular for ribosome profiling, which enables the sequencing of messenger RNA in a cell and thus snapshots of its biochemical activity.
  • 2017 Gabriela González , David H. Reitze , Peter Saulson for their contributions to the research of gravitational waves at LIGO .
  • 2019 Xiaowei Zhuang as a leading researcher in the field of high-resolution imaging of single molecules and whole genomes and related contributions to the elucidation of the molecular mechanisms of cell function.

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