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NEFERT (Neck Flexion Rotation Test) is a medical examination method developed in 1998 by the German neurootologist Claus-Frenz Claussen .


The procedure is used to examine differences in movement between the head and the body, especially at the head joint and the lower cervical spine. The method can diagnose sprains of the neck, stiff neck and whiplash .


The test consists of six movement sequences, which can also be divided into four phases. The movements are performed by the patient in a standing position.

  1. (Phase I) Within a period of 20 seconds, the patient turns his head several times as far as possible from left to right and from right to left.
  2. (Phase II) The patient bends his head forward as far as possible.
  3. In a bent position, the patient turns his head as far as possible from left to right and from right to left over a period of 20 seconds.
  4. (Phase III) The patient bends his head back as far as possible.
  5. In a backward leaning position, the patient turns his head as far as possible from left to right and right to left over a period of 20 seconds.
  6. (Phase IV) After a total of 60 seconds, the patient returns to an upright position.

If the test results are falsified by the patient's unconscious shoulder movements, a second test run is carried out in which the examining person holds the patient's shoulders with his hands. The results are recorded by a computer , for example with the help of cranio-corpo-graphy , and evaluated graphically.


  • Claus-Frenz Claussen, Burkard Franz: Contemporary and Practical Neurootology , Neurootological Research Institute of 4-G Research e. V., Bad Kissingen 2006, ISBN 3-00-016398-0

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