NGC 1333-IRAS 4

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NGC 1333 IRAS 4 or shortly IRAS 4 is a region in the fog NGC 1333 , which consists of several proto stars exists. The NGC 1333-IRAS 4A system consists of the protostars IRAS 4A1 and IRAS 4A2 . There may also be a third protostar in the IRAS 4A system. NGC 1333-IRAS 4B may be a double protostar, but it could also be that there are more protostars in this system. Furthermore, the system NGC 1333-IRAS 4C still exists in some publications , but this is also assigned to the system IRAS 4B and is then referred to as IRAS 4BII.

Individual evidence

  1. a b Minho Choi: High-Resolution Observations of the Molecular Clouds in the NGC 1333 IRAS 4 Region . In: The Astrophysical Journal . tape 553 , no. 1 , May 20, 2001, p. 219 , doi : 10.1086 / 320657 .
  2. A. Belloche, P. Hennebelle, P. André: Strongly induced collapse in the Class 0 protostar NGC 1333 IRAS 4A . In: ArXiv - Astrophysics (astro-ph) . February 22, 2006, arxiv : astro-ph / 0602482v1 .
  3. J.-F. Desmurs, C. Codella, J. Santiago-García, M. Tafalla, R. Bachiller: The extremely collimated bipolar H 2 O jet from the NGC 1333 – IRAS 4B protostar . In: Astronomy and Astrophysics . tape 498 , no. 3 , May 2009, p. 753-759 , doi : 10.1051 / 0004-6361 / 200811365 .