NMI - New Music Information

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The NMI - Neue Musik Information was a magazine for rock music that was published every two weeks from February 1990 by the East Berlin Henschel Verlag . From October 1990 the initial 16 became 32 pages. Until monetary union it cost 1.50 marks east , then 2 DM . The conceptual approach was derived from the English New Musical Express , whose first letters in the title nmi are ironically paraphrased . The English pronounced E in Express became the German I in Information.


Editor-in-chief was the music journalist and book author Jürgen Balitzki, known from the GDR youth broadcaster DT64 , who was editor of the magazine art & action for the same publisher until 1989 . For editors were Peter Zocher and Tino Steinmueller, the author regular music experts from East and West Germany as Ronald Galenza, Lutz Schramm , Holger Luckas, Wolf Kampmann , Steve Bickerich, MC gap or Burghard Rausch and correspondents in Europe and the United States. The layout came from Frank Wonneberg .


The newspaper tried unsuccessfully to be a serious voice from the East alongside the established West German titles. Because of the precarious situation of East German publishers and the dissolution of the GDR postal newspaper distribution , the Henschelverlag handled the majority of its magazines, including the NMI, from spring 1991. Since the Leipzig rock fanzine MESSITSCH had to give up at the same time , it came about under Balitzki's leadership and the sponsorship of Nord Ost Rock e. V. on a journalistic merger with the name NMI & MESSITSCH , which was initially financially supported by the Federal Agency for Civic Education . Because of strong content-related conflicts, Balitzki left the editorial team in December 1991. NMI & MESSITSCH was last published in 1993.

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