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Nabû-balātsu-iqbi (also Nabu-balatsu-iqbi, Nabu-balassu-iqbi) was the son of King Nebuchadnezzar in the 6th century BC. The office of governor in Harran . He was married to Adad-happe and father of the last neo-Babylonian king Nabonid (only a brick inscription from Harran names the father of Nabonid differently Nusku-balāstu-iqbi ). In the inscriptions, Nabû-balātsu-iqbi was described as The Wise Prince and The Admirer of the Great Gods and Goddesses . He does not appear in various inscriptions by his wife and son, so that the assumption was made that he died early.


Individual evidence

  1. Wolfgang Röllig : Considerations on the new steles of King Nabonids. In: Journal for Assyriology and Near Eastern Archeology . Volume 56, 1964, pp. 218-260, here p. 237.