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Adad-happe , earlier reading Adda-guppi / Adda Guppi (also Adad happe, Adad-guppi, Adad Guppi ; * 650 BC ; † April 17, 546 BC ) was mother of the last New Babylonian king Nabonid (Nabû -nāʾid) and a daughter whose name is unknown. Her name is of Aramaic origin and means: Adad / Hadad gave me protection .

Your life

Adad-Happe belonged to 610 BC. She joined the Assyrian royal family as a princess and was exiled to Babylon with the surviving family members due to the victory of Nabopolassar . In the following years she led a free life at the Babylonian royal court and was loyal to the Babylonian king. A short time later she married the Babylonian prince Nabû-balātsu-iqbi , who was described by Nabonidus as a wise prince or powerful governor .

In her Harran inscription H1, Adad-Happe introduces herself as the high priestess of the moon god Sin, who is worshiped in Harran . However, there are no other neutral documents or documents to support this statement. The content of the inscription gives information about their life from birth to death. The author was Nabonidus himself, who apparently wanted to keep an honorable memory of his mother. The texts therefore belong to the genus grave inscriptions.

The Harran inscriptions

The Adad-happe inscription gives valuable information, although the content was written afterwards as theological justification, in response to the depiction in the Cyrus cylinder . The content of the Harran inscription by Adad-happe is reproduced in partial excerpts below.

Plate H1 I

“As a priestess, Sin, Ningal , Nusku and Sadarnunna were my deities ... Since the 16th year of the reign of Nabopolassar , the people of Harran have been doing badly ... The temples were destroyed and the gods angrily went to heaven ... but me continued to worship her ... I always thought of Sin, Gamag , Igtar and Adad ... Just as I am a priestess on earth, so am I in heaven ... I gave back good and wonderful things that I received. I kept praying "May Sin come back to Harran so that the people will worship him again" ... From the 20th year of Assurbanipal's reign , the year of my birth, to the 4th year of Nergal-šarra-usur, I had to be 95 years wait until I was chosen by Sin ... My only son Nabu-na'id was called to be king ... He was entrusted with the areas from the border of Egypt to the lower sea ... My prayers were answered by Sin. "

- H1 I

Plate H1 II

"You, Sin, raised Nabu-na'id to king and dropped his enemies ... You said to me," With you, the gods will return to Harran with me through Nabu-na'id, your son ". ..It was unbearable how the people had previously wickedly on you ... The King of the Gods spoke to me and I granted his wish ... Nabu-na'id rebuilt Ehulhul more perfectly than in earlier times Times ... The hand of Sin took Nabu-na'id, led him to his place to have his words proclaimed ... With Nabopolassar, the generations of Nebuchadnezzar II , Nergal-šarra-uṣ served you for a total of 68 years .. .You have extended my days and I dedicated them to you, Sin, as King of the Gods ... 104 years have passed since I was born until the 9th year of Nabu-na'id .... Now, in the 9th year of the rule , my fate has also come true. "

- H1 II

The death of Adad-happe

After April 17, 546 BC In Dūr-Karāšu on the Euphrates above Sippar the death of the Adda-guppi ordered her grandson Belšazar (Bel-šarru-usur) , who was his deputy in Babylon because of the long stay of his father Nabonid in Tayma , ordered a three-day mourning . In the month of Simanu (June 11th to July 9th 546 BC), however, a general mourning ceremony was held; this is likely to have taken place on the orders of the distant Nabonidus, who was probably only informed of the death of his mother a little later.

Adad-happes royal chronology

See also


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Notes and individual references

  1. According to the Nabonidus Chronicle, Adda-guppi died on the 5th  Nisanu of the 9th year of the reign of Nabonidus. The 10th year of the reign began with the taking of the hands of Marduk , which according to the cult calendar does not take place until after the 5th Nisanu. The 5th Nisanu fell in 546 BC. On April 24th and the beginning of spring on March 28th in the proleptic Julian calendar . The time difference to the Gregorian calendar is 7 days, which must be deducted from April 24th. It is not clear whether the date has to be converted to the actual Babylonian lunar or the static annual calendar. Calculations according to Jean Meeus: Astronomical Algorithms - Applications for Ephemeris Tool 4,5 - , Barth, Leipzig 2000 and Ephemeris Tool 4,5 conversion program .
  2. Under Darius I came 522 BC. BC Nebuchadnezzar III. and 521 BC BC Nebuchadnezzar IV. As usurpers .
  3. A brick inscription from Harran names the father of Nabuna'id differently Nusku-balāstu-iqbi .
  4. ^ Paul-Alain Beaulieu: The reign of Nabonidus, King of Babylon, 556-539 BC , Yale University Press, New Haven 1989, pp. 74-80.
  5. Assurbanipal's 20th year of reign is 649 BC BC. This results in only 103 years according to today's chronology.