Night min

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Statue head of night min

Nachtmin was a high ancient Egyptian dignitary at the end of the 18th Dynasty ( New Kingdom ) under King Tutankhamun . He was entitled "Member of the Elite", "King's Clerk", "Great Chief of Troops" and "King's Son". Above all, the titles “Member of the Elite” and “King's Son” indicate his extremely important position at the royal court. Nachtmin donated five wooden shabtis for Tutankhamun's burial, which were found in the king's grave ( KV62 ). Here he bears other titles such as " frond bearer on the right of the king ". Nachtmin is still known from two statues, which however were smashed in antiquity. Apparently he fell from grace and his memory has been persecuted.

The title “King's Son” in particular has sparked some discussions in Egyptology. It has been assumed that Nachtmin was a son of King Eje II or that he was the “ King's son of Kush ”.


Individual evidence

  1. Boyo G. Ockinga et al .: A Tomb from the Reign of Tutankhamun at Akhmim (= Australian Center for Egyptology: Reports Vol. 10). Aris & Phillips, Warminster 1997, ISBN 0-85668-801-0 , p. 58-59