Nadia Calviño

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Nadia Calviño

Nadia María Calviño Santamaría (born October 3, 1968 in La Coruña ) is a Spanish politician. On June 7, 2018, Calviño was appointed Minister of Economy in the Sánchez cabinet. Before that, as an official of the European Union , she was head of the Directorate General for Budget Planning (DG BUDG) from May 2014 .

Calviño has degrees in Economics (1991) and Law (2001). After completing her first degree, she initially worked as a business consultant and taught from 1991 to 1994 as an associate professor at the Universidad Complutense in Madrid .

Since 1994 she has worked in the Spanish civil service, where she held various positions, most recently from 2004 to 2006 as Director General Competition in the Ministry of Economics and Finance.

In 2006, she joined the European Commission as Deputy Director General of the Directorate General for Competition. In November 2010 she joined the Directorate-General for Internal Market and Services in the same position.

After taking office as Minister of Economic Affairs in June 2018, she acknowledged austerity and Spain's obligation to comply with the European Commission 's budget deficit guidelines .

Calviño was considered the favorite in the election to head the Euro Group in July 2020, but was defeated by the Irish Paschal Donohoe in a secret ballot . Observers attributed Calviño's failure, despite the support of the heads of state of the large euro countries, among other things to her derogatory remarks from 2018 about the smaller euro member countries.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Bernardo the Miguel: The Competitor. Politico
  2. ^ Jorge Valero: New Minister of Economic Affairs: Spain wants to calm Europe. In: Euractiv . June 6, 2018, accessed June 6, 2018 .
  3. Thomas Urban , Zoff in Madrid , in: , October 24, 2018, accessed on October 25, 2018.
  4. Tobias Kaiser: "This personality is a warning to Merkel and Macron" of July 10, 2020