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The Nagamaki ( Japanese 長 巻 , long wrapping [= handle] ' ) is a Japanese long weapon for foot fighters. It is a single-edged sword . It resembles a mixture of Naginata and Katana . The blade of the Nagamaki is roughly katana-length, the handle is approx. 10% longer than the blade. The shaft of the Nagamaki could be 3/4 to completely wound , similar to a sword hilt , or it was similar to that of a Naginata or a Yari .

The weapon was mainly used from the 12th to the 14th centuries. Today it is very rare (at least in its original length), and the techniques for using it have been almost completely forgotten. The front rows of a battle line were equipped with Nagamaki fighters. Their task was to break through the opposing ranks by hitting and stabbing. The Nagamaki was later replaced by the Ōdachi (see also Bidenhänder ).

The Elven swords in Peter Jackson's Lord of the Rings film adaptation, known as Lhang, are based in appearance and function on the Nagamaki, among other things.

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