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Namrasit ("He is radiant when he rises ") is the Sumerian name of the deity of the rising moon . In the eighth panel of the Gilgamesh epic , Namrasit was nicknamed “Counselor of the Gods”. A šu-ila text from the Aššurbanipal library calls it "incomparable power, with inexorable advice". Namrasit at times assumed the character of a god of the dead , as he sank below the horizon during the day. Namrasit thus had the power to enter the realm of the dead.

After Enkidu's death , Namrasit received a sacrificial gift from Gilgameš :

" 139  On [...] from [...] [...]. 140 he  submitted for Namrasit, the adviser of the gods, to the Šamaš : 141  May Namrasit, the adviser of the gods, receive this (gift). 142 In the  face of my friend he was so full of joy 143  that he was walking by his side. "

- Eighth panel, Epic of Gilgamesh

There is another Sumerian moon god named Nanna .


  • Stefan M. Maul: The Gilgamesh Epic . Beck, Munich 2006, ISBN 3-406-52870-8 , pp. 175 and 114-115.

Individual evidence

  1. so he is referred to, among other things, in a text by Warad-Sin , the Elamite ruler of Larsa ; Ira M. Price, Light out of Ur - The Devotion of Elamite Kings to Sumerian Deities. Journal of the American Oriental Society 51/22, 1931, 165
  2. ^ W. Mayer, Studies on the formal language of the Babylonian prayer invocations, 1975
  3. James B. Pritchard , Ancient Near Eastern texts relating to the Old Testament. Princeton, Princeton University Press 1950, 386