Fools guild Waldmössingen 1935

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The Narrenzunft Waldmössingen 1935 e. V. is a non-profit association based in Schramberg-Waldmössingen , which has committed itself to maintaining the carnival culture and customs in Waldmössingen.


Carnival hustle and bustle in Waldmössingen before the fools' guild was founded

Waldmössingen, which found its way into written records in 994, is one of the oldest settlements in the Rottweil district. Over the centuries, rulers changed over the village. In 1806 the place became part of the Kingdom of Württemberg . As in the fool's towns of Oberndorf, Rottweil and Schramberg, different carnival customs developed in the surrounding communities. This is also the case in the village of Waldmössingen , which is part of the Oberndorf Oberamt . The Wurttemberg Protestant authorities were a thorn in the side of their Catholic subjects because of their religious feelings, because carnival was considered a sin. In a chronicle written for the Oberamt in the middle of the 19th century, the author states that in some places “a great creature was driven by so-called Schantle and Hansel masks ... for two days”, but it was gratifying “that in more recent times the carnival amusements are in decline ... ". But as the past shows, exactly the opposite has happened.

Lively carnival activities developed relatively early in Waldmössingen. Particular evidence of the living conditions in Waldmössingen in the 19th century is given by a very correctly kept book of expenses that the merchant Christian Haas created and continued by his successor Lorenz Gruber. It is a testimony to many events. It is known that as early as 1848, there was a lot of carnival in Waldmössingen. Lorenz Gruber notes that he used 1 gulden and 12 kreuzers during the carnival in the Rössle. At the general goods store Gruber you could buy cloth and wire larvae and in the household book it is recorded that there were wooden masks in Waldmössingen as early as 1865.

Further evidence of early carnival customs in Waldmössingen can be found in the life record of senior teacher Cyprian Rohrer from 1876. There is already reports of Mummenschanz. People disguised as dominoes, "with brightly painted robes with pant legs and pointed hats, a scarf in front of their face with a mouth and eyes cut or wire larvae, or painted as a joker" went from house to house.

Impressive testimony to the living conditions in Waldmössingen in the years after the First World War are the entries in the village bulletin board. The following was noted and orally announced about the carnival in 1920: “According to old custom, the carnival was celebrated in full every year and rightly in the community on the designated days of carnival Monday and carnival Tuesday. As a result of the extremely sad situation in which our state is currently, the Ministry has banned the carnival for this year. To the trutz, various irresponsible elements believe that they are already opposing the ban four weeks before Carnival. All right-thinking people who want justice, law and authority to come up again in the new state are urged to ensure that this nonsense ceases and, if it has to, the carnival is held on the above two days as before. "

The largely autobiographical work Greater Than Man's Heart by Vinzenz Erath also indicates that the carnival was an early part of the annual farming community. There the author describes the carving passion of his father Matthäus Erath as follows: "... while other boys were sitting with their girls, he often carved his carnival masks until late at night with the shutters closed in the light of an oil lamp ...".

The masks and disguises that were worn at the carnival may have been rather coincidental at the beginning. Over time, however, a clearer repertoire of figures began to develop. At the beginning of the 20th century, the dominos and black frocks were joined by fool's clothes with roller bells. These so-called scooters were discarded Hansel clothing from the neighboring carnival strongholds of Rottenburg, Villingen and Oberndorf. These Hansel dresses were also obtained from a Schramberg hairdresser. Over the years the scooters could be borrowed from the innkeepers in the Kreuz and in the Rosengarten. The scooters were rented out by the hour. An hour in the jester cost 30 pfennigs.

The scooter consisted of a linen dress painted with animal, nature and landscape motifs, consisting of trousers, smock and larvae hood. The fool wore a smooth larva surrounded by a horsehair wreath and, like the typical white fool, roller straps crossed over his shoulders. The larval hood was adorned with a green hat.

So the carnival in Waldmössingen essentially developed into a street and house carnival. The scooters moved from house to house early on, with the fools heading for certain foolish houses in the village. Ejection was also part of the street fascination. The fools regularly drove a crowd of children before them and made them sing these foolish rhymes. As a reward, the fools threw dried apples and pears, Gutsle and occasionally also wake, pretzels and sausages from large cans.

Parallel to the street and house facade, a lively pub facade developed. This took place in the Kreuz, in the Rössle and in the rose garden, but also in the sun, in the rabbit and in the brandy house Eble (Brenntaweiner) colorful carnival was announced.

In particular, the Gasthaus Kreuz emerged as the focus of the carnival. This was primarily due to the Kreuzwirt Karl Kimmich. He was an active fool and always organized various events at the carnival.

In 1933, a Hansel Kleidle designed for a butcher was made for Karl Kimmich, the butcher's hansel, which is still owned by the family today. Part of this fool's dress was a smooth larva. The Häs shows mainly butcher-typical representations, including the Lamb of God, the guild symbol of the butcher's trade.

Over the years, a rustic, rural carnival, rooted in and with the people of Waldmössingen, emerged, which was put into order on February 16, 1935 with the founding of the Waldmössingen fools' guild.

The Waldmössingen fool's guild is born

“On February 15, 1935, it was announced by the local bell that on February 16 in the evening at 8 o'clock in the evening all fools gather in the Gasthaus zum Kreuz to establish a fool's guild in the community of Waldmössingen. On Saturday, February 16, 40 fools came to the Kreuzwirt. The purpose and goals of the guild of fools to be founded were announced. 23 foolish people decided to join the fool's guild. Furthermore, the decision was made to present an old woman's mill at Carnival and to do various other things. End of the founding meeting. "

With this entry in the log book, the birth of the Waldmössingen fool's guild was recorded. A high time for foolishness began in Waldmössingen.

On February 22, 1935, all members of the new guild were invited to a meeting at the Gasthaus Kreuz. The founding of a Council of Penalties and the election of the President were called up as items on the agenda. From this election, Karl Kimmich, Kreuzwirt emerged as the first president of the Waldmössingen fool's guild.

At this meeting, the motto for the 1935 carnival was announced: "Carnival 1935. Sensation: Altweibermühle".

The log book reports on the carnival in 1935 as follows: “Carnival Sunday: Karl Weber drives the chaise to Seedorf, Winzeln and Beffendorf. Passengers Eduard Frey, Eusebius Haas, Josef Hirt and Lukas Weber. The whole carnival program was proclaimed. In the Rösslesaal there was a great carnival bustle with a masked ball and dance. Organizer of the Nazi band1. The Elferrat took part in it as a group and entered the hall to the sound of the chapel. It ended at 12 o'clock. Carnival Monday: At 12 noon, start of the Altweibermühle demonstration. Everything was in a good mood. People drove around in the whole village and stopped in all hotels and inns. Participants in the Altweibermühle were 20 people who gave themselves up to the general fun. The president of the fool's guild Karl Kimmich as well as Rudolf Schneider and Benno Gruber also drove with a chaise, which was led by Josef Frommer, and threw pretzels and sweets. It ended at 6 o'clock in the Eble restaurant. Afterwards we went to the cross to the rat ball where it was really busy again. All children were given bread rolls and sausages, which were received with great joy as a gift that they will never forget. Shrove Tuesday: A day of visible rest and of recovering from yesterday. In the evening there was another business in the taverns and some of them went wild before the end. It ended at 12 o'clock. Ash Wednesday. Memento mori 2. "

In the following years, the Waldmössingen fools' guild organized the carnival and steered the previously "wild fool" into regular channels. Every year a motto was set for the carnival. The Elferrat meetings took place in the various bars in the village, the carnival balls were held alternately in the Kreuz and in the Rössle. An editorial team for a fool's newspaper was set up as early as 1936 for Fasnet. In the same year they wanted to take part in the Narrentreffen in Oberndorf with Elferrat and 8 fools. So it was decided to take the bus to Oberndorf. This project and the registration modalities had the fool's guild dismissed by the Dorfbüttel. 32 participants had registered, but 50 people showed up for departure. So on February 2, 1936, they drove to Oberndorf in an overcrowded bus. But because the guild was not affiliated with the Swabian-Alemannic fools' guild, it was not allowed to take part in the pageant. ___________ 1 Author's note: Under pressure from the National Socialist regime, the Waldmössingen music association was renamed "NS-Kapelle" in 1934. 2 remember to die.

The motto of the 1936 carnival was “Church out, fools out”. After the mass on Carnival Sunday the fooling began. In the afternoon there was a “great carnival bustle” in the cross. On Carnival Monday it was the Hanselsprung and the scooters stormed the school at 8 a.m. They got the students off after “long struggles” and took the children with them to the house and street carnival. In the log book it is noted that 300 pretzels, 30 pounds of oranges and 12 pounds of candy have already been thrown out that day.

There was a parade on Shrove Tuesday. Children, Rössle, billy goat and bear, the band, 3 pairs of Mäschgerle, the Elferrat, the armored car and 8 Hansel moved through the village from the cross. We stopped at all the inns. The conclusion was in the cross, there the children received sausage and wake. During this move, the Elferrat appeared in its new regalia for the first time. The councilors now wore red velvet tails with green collars, white shirts with red bows and red caps.

On November 11, 1936, a delegation from the Waldmössingen fool's guild attended the general assembly of the Schramberg fool's guild, where “... the same was warmly received and welcomed. The closest friendship soon prevailed… ”. Shortly thereafter, the Elferrat decided on January 24, 1937, 14 days before the carnival, to hold a Bock beer festival in the Kreuz, at which the carnival should be opened. The Bock beer festival should be something that has never been seen before. In addition, it was determined that a mailbox should be hung from the cross at the farm entrance, into which the village gossip for the fool's paper can be thrown.

The first Bock beer festival was heavily advertised, in the daily newspapers with advertisements and in the surrounding towns with posters. The Elferräte themselves took over the billposting and drove for this purpose to Beffendorf, Lindenhof, Oberndorf, Hochmössingen, Fluorn, Winzeln, Aichhalden, Sulgen, Schramberg, Heiligenbronn and Seedorf.

The protocol reports on the first Bock beer festival as follows: “All in all, it was an event that Waldmössingen has not seen many. Beautiful spring weather and the sun sent its rays as if it wanted to celebrate. People came from everywhere, from Sulz to Lauterbach and from Freudenstadt up to Spaichingen, everything was represented. At 3 o'clock the dance began with a dashing march. At 7 o'clock the Elferrat marched in to the sound of the Rottweiler fools march. After a short opening speech of the Bock beer festival, the coffin in which the carnival was buried was opened. A Hansel came out and in no time the whole hall was in the greatest carnival mood. And the dance went on until the Hanselsprung came. Then alternately there were different things like witches and menascherie and so the evening was soon over and the festival fully fulfilled its motto "a Musi, a Gaudi, a Tanzl". "

The motto for the carnival in 1937 was: "Juhu, juhei, long live the foolishness". In this year the first self-written fool's paper Aisere Waldmössinger truths appeared in an edition of 250 copies. The Narrenblättle was sold on Carnival Sunday after church on the town hall square and in the houses of the village.

The parade took place on Sunday afternoon, which broke up at the Rössle. Then there was a guild ball in the Rössle. On Carnival Monday, after the school exemption, there was house and street carnival and on Carnival Tuesday the carnival was buried with a funeral speech and a large funeral procession.

In the Elferrat meeting on November 11, 1937, there was a great upheaval in the fool's guild. President Karl Kimmich, who has been in office since the company was founded, resigned from office. During the meeting, the Elferrat Hugo Keller was appointed acting president of the fool's guild. In a public general assembly on January 15, 1938, Hugo Keller was recognized by the members as President.

The Fasnet 1938 was celebrated under new leadership, but in the usual procedure. 14 days before the carnival, the Bock beer festival took place in the Rössle.

The Narrenblättle was sold on Carnival Sunday, and in the afternoon there was a parade and guild ball in the cross. Monday belonged entirely to the house and street carnival and on Tuesday evening the carnival was buried.

During the carnival parade, the Elferrat had already addressed the non-existent "Zunftstüble" with a float. In a meeting after the carnival, it was decided to turn the Gasthaus Kreuz into a guild pub, where cupboards for storing guild utensils should also be set up.

Personnel problems arose for the first time in preparation for the 1939 Carnival. The political situation took its toll. But it was possible to complete the penalty council. At that time the Waldmössingen fool's guild already had 86 members. It was very ambitious to plan and organize the carnival. The Bock beer festival should be bigger than usual this year. For the first time befriended fools were invited to this festival. The Aichhalden fool's guild promised their visit. The motto of the Bock beer festival was “When the village music plays on Sunday evening” and was a great success.

On February 18, 1939, the Waldmössingen fools' guild waited for the friends from Aichhalden to attend their ceremonial meeting - the return visit from the Bock beer festival. On this occasion the first foreign Hansel jump of the Waldmössinger fools took place. Due to a death in 1939, the move was moved from Sunday to Monday, but the masked ball in the Rössle took place on Carnival Sunday.

On Carnival Monday at 8 a.m. there was a Hanselsprung and school exemption, in the afternoon the parade was carried out and in the evening there was carnival in all locales.

Carnival Tuesday was all about eternal adoration. Traditionally, there were no carnival events on this day. Thus, the carnival 1939 was carried to the grave in the evening in a small circle. That should have been the last act of the still young fool's guild Waldmössingen, because afterwards in the log book one could read:

“End of August 1939! the war drum whirls through German lands. On September 1st, 1939, German troops crossed the Polish border. In the Blitzkrieg of 18 days Poland is finished, the first victory. From the ranks of the fools' guild, many had to leave and follow the call of the fatherland. The Elferrat decided to send a package with cigarettes, long-life sausage, etc. to all members who had left for the 1940 Carnival. Pastries. All events are canceled, in keeping with the seriousness of the time. The guild remains, the things u. Objects of the guild are kept in the guild box at the honorary president C. Kimmich. Annual fees are no longer charged - the money goes to the cash register. We don't know what will happen after the war so by then, three strong Narro! Narro! Narro! Waldmössingen on February 17, 1940. Lukas Weber "

With this entry in the log book, the first era of the Waldmössingen fool's guild ended. It would be a few years before the fool's guild could rise again.

The post-war years

After the war the better time we had hoped for did not begin. The economic situation was bad, hunger and need were everywhere. Some of the members of the fools' guild had fallen, others were missing or had been taken prisoner. The young men who were gradually returning home plagued completely different worries than cultivating the carnival customs and in view of the general need, many considered the carnival to be out of date.

Nonetheless, a few set about continuing the carnival tradition. As early as 1946, a bock beer festival took place again in the Kreuz, albeit on a modest scale, and the Waldmössinger Fasnet was stirring again. A group of young men came on the scene, who from then on were called the Seven Whites in the village because of their uniform clothing. These were Herbert Kimmich, Franz Kopp, Manfred Motzer, Alfred Schneider I, Alfred Schneider II (Kaufmale), Hugo Schneider and Kurt Witz. They worked as helpers at the first Bock beer festival and carried the old scooters during this first meager carnival in difficult times.

A year later you saw the scooters again, but also a lot of improvisation and in 1947 the Seven Whites published another fool's paper. A year later, it was they who organized the Bock beer festival and thus relieved the Kreuzwirt, who had a bereavement in the family that year. The currency reform took place in 1949, and afterwards much of it was able to revive in its diversity and variety. It was Ludwig Kimmich, among others, who knew how to carry the carnival back into the village.

At that time nobody suspected that the war would bring a very long end to the fool's guild. The establishment of a fool's guild or its re-establishment was repeatedly sought, but due to the lack of willingness to take on a responsible position, it was always an attempt. So the clubs held their own carnival entertainments again and the series of events was impressive. Beginning with the Bock beer festival and the carnival opening in the cross two weeks before the carnival, the citizens' ball in the Rössle followed a week later, which was supported by the members of the harmonica game rings that had been established in the meantime. The choral society had resumed its fat pudding with Sauwadelessen and the music society, supported by other associations, was responsible for Carnival Sunday. The end with Fasnet buried took place again on Carnival Tuesday in the cross.

No adult would fit into the box in which the Hansel was buried. That is why Ludwig Kimmich put his son Gerhard in the scooter and in the box for a few years, including in 1958. That year, little Gerhard was supposed to go to the gentleman's table for the first time. But the first communicants were not allowed to take part in the carnival in disguise in the year of their first communion, because this was considered a sin. That is why Gerhard refused to go into the box, because he was told yes, if he was sinning, he must not come to the Lord's table. But Ludwig Kimmich convinced his son that the opening of Carnival was very important and necessary and could never be a sin. Gerhard got out of the box as a scooter in the year of his first communion and received absolution from a fool.

In the mid-1950s, the Black Forest messenger was able to report the following about the Waldmössinger Fasnet: “With the Bock beer festival, the foolish goings-on began in Waldmössingen, and Narro celebrated his resurrection at 7:00 pm. In the week after, the school children were traditionally masked. The citizens' ball in the Rössle united the brightly costumed young citizens in the festively decorated hall. On Schmotzigen, the local carnival peaked with the Sauwadel Club's sauwadel food. On Saturday it was cap evening in the rose garden and on Sunday the parade, organized by the local music club, cycling club and sports club, went through the village. In the evening there was the usual carnival Sunday ball and on Mondays the scooters released the students for street carnival. "

So everything seemed to be in perfect order, because the Waldmössingers loved their carnival. People attended the events, went from bar to bar disguised as old women or as dominoes said to the celebrating Waldmössingers. In addition, more and more groups took part in the Carnival Sunday parade and the children also had their own ball and took part in the parade in colorful costumes and went from house to house in the pre-carnival disguises.

But in the background, the failure of a fool's guild had a detrimental effect on the organization of the carnival events of the clubs over the years. At the initiative of Edmund Schmid, the association's board of directors met and decided to continue the carnival tradition. From this concentrated action, the club ring emerged. Parallel to these discussions, the first activities that led to the founding of the Hanselgilde took place. All of this had a very beneficial effect on the further development of the organized Fasnet in Waldmössingen.

The Hansel Guild

In the early 1960s, Hanseln's involvement in the move had waned, the old scooters had become unsightly and had lost much of their earlier appeal. A post from 1963 says a lot about the situation of the Waldmössinger Narrenkleidle at that time:

It was a horror on Fasnacht 1963,
only a Hansele still preceded the move.
You don't need to be surprised,
it's all just old junk.

The scooters had had their day and this condition had to be changed, everyone agreed on that, and having your own fool's dress was on the wish list for many. The wish was also promoted by the fact that potential young fools regularly got the short straw when renting the scooters in the Kreuz and in the rose garden and were rudely passed over by the older ones. Independently of each other, different groups in the village have made the preservation of the old carnival customs on their flags and held talks on different levels. Until then, the re-establishment of the fool's guild had not been successful. There were certainly various food for thought, but these did not bring the desired success.

This prompted seven men to meet on March 6, 1963 for a meeting at the Brenntaweiner. The aim of this conversation was to continue the carnival tradition in Waldmössingen and to create a local Hansel. A pioneering achievement followed, which ensured that the long-cultivated carnival tradition in the village experienced a tremendous upswing. Under the leadership of Max Erath and other ambitious fools, what makes the Waldmössinger Fasnet today was created.

Just four days later, these pioneers took a trip to Oberndorf to see the bell maker in Rohr to find out about the purchase of bells. The larva carver Haipt in Altoberndorf was also visited on the same tour. After only a few days, at the second meeting with other interested parties, the Fluornian dress painter Josef Schneider was present. This brought in specific suggestions and motifs for the dress. Since much of the shape of the scooter was to be retained, agreement was quickly reached on this. The pioneers quickly agreed that a roller larva owned by Ludwig Kimmich and carved in 1925 should be the model for the new Hansel larva. This original larva is still owned by Gerhard Kimmich and is part of his Hansel.

The local name of the Waldmössinger the Goarnete was also of great importance. In order to live up to this reputation in the future, all dresses should look the same and can only be commissioned from the guild. The associated rules of conduct for the Hansel were later laid down in the fools order. Armed with concrete ideas, the founding meeting of the Hanselgilde took place on March 18, 1963. The new grouping was joined by 21 people who still elected Max Erath as Gildemeister and board member at the meeting.

Each of these 21 founders ordered a Waldmössinger Hansel on the same day. Over the year, we worked at full speed to produce the new Waldmössinger fool's dresses and on January 24, 1964, 21 proud clothing owners were able to present themselves to the photographer.

At the Carnival in 1964, at the opening jump on Carnival Sunday from the rabbit, the newly minted Waldmössinger Hansel and their porters passed the baptism of fire. Already during the carnival days, eight other members of the 21 active members joined the community, who also wanted to call a Hansel their own.

The Hansel, equipped with a basket and pretzel rod, was also not a cheap affair for the porter, because he himself had to ensure that there were enough pretzels, oranges and Gutsle to throw out and that he had to dig hard into his own pocket. In order to ease the burden here and to be able to finance part of the ejection through the guild, the Hanselgilde decided to carry out grain collections.

In the meantime, the second Waldmössinger fool's dress, the Schantle, was in preparation. It should be a cozy type of fool who also enables the older fool to actively participate in the carnival as a wearer. The members of the Hanselgilde agreed that the Schantle should commemorate the first president of the fool's guild, Carl Kimmich; the larva must have its facial features. The Waldmössinger Schantle then entered the carnival parquet for the first time at the 1965 carnival and a Bennerrössle had also been created in the meantime.

During the carnival season in 1965, the Hanselgilde made its first out-of-town appearance. On February 14th, all the people wearing clothes went to Haigerloch for the fools' meeting with the music association. The first Hansel jump in formation in front of a foreign audience was a special experience for everyone involved. However, the Hansel jump took place on the Rottweiler fool's march and the call for a separate fool's march grew louder. Contact was soon made with the composer Artur Daubenberger in Karlsruhe. Parallel to the activities that were undertaken for their own fool's march, the Hanselgilde was busy creating children's clothing. In the same year, the work for the children's hansel was completed and the composition of the fool's march was also done. Thus, on November 11, 1966, the first children's clothing was able to open the carnival season to the beat of the new Waldmössinger jester march.

In just a few years, a functioning, goarnete Fasnet was created, which soon became known beyond the local borders. The Hanselgilde now numbered 39 wearers. In 1968 she received an invitation to help set up a guild association. This advance led to the establishment of the Upper Neckar Narrenring, which the Hanselgilde joined in early 1969. As early as February 1969, under the name Narrenvereinigung Waldmössingen, the test meeting of the Narrenring in Bochingen was attended. The Waldmössinger fools were accompanied by the music association and the choral society, which at that time provided the Elferrat and the president. In the same constellation, the Waldmössingers also attended the first official meeting of the still young fool's ring Oberer Neckar in Epfendorf in January 1970.

Meanwhile, conversations had been started at various points with the aim of reviving the Waldmössingen fool's guild, which was also successful on April 11, 1970. The Hanselgilde had already signaled in advance that it would join the guild of fools if it were re-established; and that was done. The members of the Hanselgilde went on a joint excursion to say goodbye to their independence in 1970, thus marking the end of an extraordinarily successful chapter of the Waldmössinger Fasnet.

Today the Hanselgilde is an organ of the Waldmössingen fool's guild and represents the union of all active wearers of clothing. Their interests are represented by the guild master, he has a seat and a vote in the Elferrat. After Max Erath, Karl Munz took over the office of guild master in 1971. From 19xx Hans Kopp represented the interests of the guild within the fools' guild. The latter handed over the office to Erich Fus in 19xx; the guild committee was installed under his leadership. The guild committee organizes all tasks related to the wearers of clothes, it determines which carnival events are attended by the wearers of clothes, procures the throwing materials and actively supports the Elferrat in organizing the carnival. The Hanselgilde also keeps a jump list for every Waldmössinger fool's dress. This records which dress appears when and how often in the respective season.

After Erich Fus was elected guild master of the fool's guild and president in 1990, his brother Max Fus took over the office of guild master and he handed over his duties to Michael Roth in 1998 after eight successful years. Today Michael Roth heads a total of almost 300 clothing wearers. The steadily growing tasks are mastered together with the guild committee. The general assembly of all clothing wearers, the guild assembly, takes place every year on January 7th. In it the Hanselgilde gives an account of its activities and announces the appearance dates of the fools. In this gathering, the fool is taken out of his annual stay, dusted off and the respective carnival season opens. The speeches of the guild master Michael Roth in the guild meeting are now considered legendary.

The Waldmössingen fools guild is newly founded

At the end of the 1960s, the organized Fasnet in Waldmössingen was in crisis. On the one hand, the Hanselgilde succeeded in establishing the Waldmössinger Narrenkleidle in the village and among the population and in creating a lively house and street facade, on the other hand the organization of the Saalfasnet was in a disordered situation.

There was still the Bock beer festival two weeks before the carnival and the choral society traditionally held its Sauwadelessen on Schmotzigen. In the meantime, due to the elimination of the citizens' ball, there was also a fire brigade ball, but it became more and more difficult to organize the move and the subsequent children's ball. The church fire in January 1969, and the associated relocation of Sunday services to the gym, did not ease the situation in the carnival organization at the individual clubs. The call for a fool's guild grew louder and louder.

In April 1969, the club ring chairman Edmund Schmid invited to an extended club ring meeting, in which Mayor Zäh called on people to revive the carnival traditions. In a letter from the Hanselgilde, the surviving members of the fool's guild founded in 1935 were asked for their support. In addition to joint efforts within the association ring and many one-on-one discussions in very different constellations, a statute has already been drawn up for the club to be re-established. After long negotiations, the founding meeting was held in the spring of 1970. On April 11, 1970, it was finally possible to bring the Waldmössingen fool's guild back to life and to implement the resolution of the statutes.

Alois Günter, Eugen Kimmich, Robert Schneider, Horst Erath, Johannes Schneider, Kurt Witz, Hans Kopp, Artur Albrecht, Josef Kimmich, Bruno Jauch and Helmut Notheis emerged from this meeting as eleven councilors. Eugen Kimmich was elected President at the constituent meeting of the Elferrat.

The new guild of fools approached their tasks with verve and enthusiasm and mastered an enormous work program in the first year. A guild ballet had already recorded its rehearsals and wanted to show itself to the audience at the upcoming carnival. The 1971 carnival should be completely shaped by a new beginning. It was decided that the Bock beer festival should stay at the Kreuzwirt, but the fools' guild will hold a guild evening with a colorful program. As a sign that the fools guild rules over the foolish days, the handing over of the keys and the raising of the flag should take place at the town hall. In addition, the fools' guild organizes the carnival Sunday parade, the subsequent fooling around in the gym and a Goarneten ball on Sunday evening. Children's parade and children's ball are held on Carnival Tuesday and end in the cross. Since the choral society will no longer provide a penalty council, the song wreathers bought their penalty council costumes and used them for the fools' guild.

From the Hanselgilde, the Waldmössingen fool's guild took over membership in the Oberer Neckar fool's ring and attended the ring meeting in Boll in January 1971 before it officially showed itself in Waldmössingen for the first time. The Waldmössingen guild ballet also performed there for the first time.

Already in the third year after the re-establishment, the Waldmössingen fool's guild was allowed to host the 4th ring meeting of the Upper Neckar fool's ring. On February 10 and 11, 1973, Waldmössingen was firmly in foolish hands. The festival banquet with the traditional evening of the fools' ring could be invited on Saturday and Sunday was opened with the guild master reception. In the afternoon, 15 fools' guilds and music bands with almost 1,500 people wearing clothes and musicians marched through the village to the marquee on the old Oberndorfer Straße. A successful meeting of fools ended there with traditional demonstrations and dancing. The first acid test of the still young fool's guild was over.

From 1974 onwards, the Waldmössinger Fasnet became increasingly Roman. The Elferrat dressed in airy general clothing and a replica fortress and a chariot drove with them in the procession. The guild evening became a pomp and the president became a centurion. Roman soldiers flanked the entry of the Elferrat, and Roman women and a pompously decorated accessory appeared. This new outfit of the Elferrat often contrasted with the weather at the Carnival, but the Elferrat earned many curious and admiring looks.

There were further innovations in the 1974 carnival season. For the first time there was an old women’s ball organized by the fool’s guild in the gym, which developed very successfully over the course of the first few years. The children's parade on Carnival Tuesday was integrated into the Carnival parade on Sunday and from this point onwards the Elferrat was always out and about on Tuesday afternoons with a special motto in the village and the inns. On its tour the Elferrat also regularly visited the fool mother Hedwig Erath. For years she was an honorary seamstress and the good soul of fools and was given the honorary title of “mother of fools” by the Waldmössingen fool's guild because of her outstanding services.

Another innovation came in 1976. The fool's guild and Hansel guild organized a fool's leap through the village on Carnival Monday. Elferrat, Musikverein, ballet and wearers of clothing marched through the streets, stopped in the Rote Weg with the mother of fools and broke up their move at the cross, where the fools met for lunch. This fool's leap was soon abandoned in favor of the domestic fascist.

In the mid-1970s, a group of young women, the Heimbachlerchen, appeared for the first time at the ceremonial evening. They knew in a special way how to hold up the fool's mirror to the administration, the Elferrat and the population and were successful for many years with their songs and advanced to local stars on the fool's stage.

In 1978 Eugen Kimmich resigned as president and board member of the fools guild and could look back on eight successful years. The fools guild insisted on paying special tribute to the achievements of Eugen Kimmich and at the end of his term of office appointed him "fool's father".

Under his chairmanship, the Elferrat and the guild members managed to get the carnival in Waldmössingen back on track and put it on a safe footing. Those in charge as well as the members of the guild could look confidently into the future.

The Waldmössingen fool's guild continues to develop

"Waldmössinger fools headless" was the headline of the Black Forest messenger on March 13, 1978 in the Schramberg local section. In fact, the Waldmössingen fools' guild passed without a president from the general assembly in which Eugen Kimmich made his office available. Due to a lack of cleanliness in the association's statutes, the situation arose in which no successor to the presidency was appointed at the meeting, but this was only dealt with in the following constituent meeting of the penalty council. What the newspaper editor did not know, however, was the fact that preliminary discussions had long since settled who would be the future president of the fools' guild. At the decisive meeting of the Elferrat on March 18, 1978, Horst Erath was unanimously elected as the new president and chairman of the Waldmössingen fools' guild. Horst Erath, founder of the Hanselgild, Sauwadelbruder, Elferrat and active fool accepted the challenge of fools out of conviction

Together with the Elferrat, the new president continued what was started after the re-establishment and always worked on maintaining traditional traditions and taking up new trends. A major concern at the beginning of his term of office was the redesign of the 911 Council. The Roman general's dress was not always practical when moving, the red cloaks had too little representational character. After long research, a Vogtskostüm was commissioned for the Elferrat in 1979, which first appeared at the 1980 Carnival. Based on the counts' bailiffs who ruled Waldmössingen for 800 years, the Elferrat from then on dressed as bailiffs of the late Middle Ages.

In the 1980s, the fool's guild experienced an increase in membership and widespread acceptance among the population. The balls represent a great enrichment of the cultural life in Waldmössingen and are attended in large numbers by the crazy audience. During the splendid evening with a colorful stage program and ballet performances, the important political events of the past year are targeted and citizens and city leaders are humorously denounced. The ceremonial evening is so popular that it will soon have to take place twice to give the whole foolish people of Waldmössingen the opportunity to see the varied program. The Altweiberball, in contrast, offers dance, atmosphere and the best entertainment by the old women. The children's ball, organized in cooperation with the school, is a hit with young and old fools and at the carnival ball on Sunday evening, a dance and mood band from Upper Swabia, the Berger village musicians, ensures a full house and an exuberant carnival atmosphere for many years. This connection resulted in an intense friendship between the fool's guild and the Berg Musikverein, which can now look back on its 30th anniversary.

The fool's guild is not only active at the carnival, but has developed over the years into a year-round association. The togetherness is strengthened and cultivated through joint club hikes, light corridors and many other friendly events. The association is an active member of the association ring Waldmössingen, participates in village festivals and markets and shows commitment and support where it is needed at many events of other associations.

Over the years, the Waldmössingen fool's guild has accumulated an enormous pool of costumes and decorations that needs to be looked after and managed. At the beginning Elferrat and kit master Alfred Notheis made part of his house available as a kit room, but soon there was not enough space and a remedy had to be found. The local administration offered the fools 'guild to use rooms on the top floor of the school, which were then expanded in 250 hours of independent work to become the fools' guild's equipment room and moved into in 1984.

1985 was all about the 50th anniversary of the club. That was the reason for the organization of the 12th ring meeting of the Narrenring Oberer Neckar. The celebrations began with a big ceremony in the Kirchberghalle, at which deserving members of the association were honored. The founding members and fools who were present received neat fool's caps that evening, which Hedwig didn’t even get, she said: “I would prefer a tin plate”. In addition to the festive speeches, the Musikverein and the Sauwadel Brothers provided entertaining entertainment and, to the surprise of all those present, the church choir sang the Waldmössinger Fool's March with four voices.

At the traditional folk evening of the fools' ring, the ring guilds impressively demonstrated what they were committed to when the ring was founded. Sunday began with a service for fools in St. Valentine's Church, where the music lovers from Berg set the musical framework. At the subsequent guild master reception, the guest gifts were humorously exchanged and many a chest was decorated with medals. In the afternoon, a colorful fools parade cast a spell over thousands of visitors and the tent at the building yard was then bursting at the seams. Monday belonged to the child fools, during which the little ones showed impressively that they are already goarnete fools.

The meeting of fools was a great success and inspired the association members, the Hanselgilde and the Elferrat, promoted solidarity and camaraderie. With such motivation, the club mastered the work of the coming years almost playfully. After an extremely successful ten-year term in office, Horst Erath handed over the presidency and chairmanship of the association to Erich Fus in 1988. The previous Gildemeister took over the management of a well-positioned association and was able to seamlessly build on the success of his predecessor. The committed dress wearer Erich Fus had a very special goal: As a guild master, he wanted to bring the young generation even closer to customs and tradition and to pursue the idea of ​​a third fool's dress.

As a long-time guild master, it was a special honor for him to congratulate the Hanselgilde on its 25th birthday in 1988. When honoring the founding members, the President praised their courage and pioneering spirit, which has paid off over the years. The anniversary of the Hanselgilde was the reason why different groups of people wearing clothes paid their respects to the founding members and head fools on Carnival Monday.

The idea of ​​the third fool's dress was a work assignment for 1989. In many meetings and creative discussions, led by Erich Fus and supported by Horst Erath and Ulrich Jaud, what was presented to the public on November 11, 1989, the Jockele was designed and created. Karl-Heinz Hurtz wrote a legend to introduce and explain this type of fool, and the guild recognized the Jockele as a Waldmössinger fool figure. On Carnival Sunday in 1990, five Jockele took part in the fool's parade and as it turned out later, the new fool's dress should be a success story.

In 1991 the Fasnet was canceled due to the conflict in the Gulf. As everywhere in the country, the Waldmössingen fool's guild has decided to cancel all carnival dates. But the association members could not be completely without each other at the carnival, which is why a children's afternoon was held on Carnival Sunday for young and old visitors and the Elferrat and the guild committee met on Carnival Monday for a comradeship meeting in the Kreuz.

To present his fool's guild once at the country's father's house, that was a long-cherished wish of guild master Erich Fus. In 1994 the time had come when the prime minister had the honor and invited to the foolish state reception in the Villa Reitzenstein. On February 9, 1994, a delegation from the Waldmössingen fool's guild moved into the Reitzenstein villa at the foolish state reception to pay homage to Erwin Teufel's father.

After a successful carnival in 1994, the Waldmössingen fool's guild pulled together with all other associations and the entire population. The 1000th anniversary of the village required commitment and commitment on all levels. For the fools guild, it was a matter of course to take part in the organization and implementation of this major event. And right after that, another celebration had to be organized for the fools' guild. In the 60th year after the club was founded, the 17th ring meeting of the Narrenring Oberer Neckar was hosted.

From February 10th to 13th, 1995, not only the Waldmössinger fools ruled the village. Friends of the guilds from near and far attended the meeting of fools and offered a colorful program. At a ceremony that took place in advance, deserved members could again be honored. The meeting of fools began on Friday with tapping the keg and a show dance evening. On Saturday the traditional folk evening of the ring guilds took place, which was enriched by Swiss Guggemusik and ended with rock music. At the jester's service on Sunday, it was the Berg Musikverein who took on the musical design. Afterwards, the guild masters met for the reception and in the afternoon, in bright sunshine, over 3,000 fools and musicians marched through the village to the marquee on the Hagenwiese. The last day of the festival was in children's hands and the young jesters showed all their skills.

This meeting of fools was also crowned with success and the association emerged stronger from the celebrations. Now the village carnival could be celebrated extensively. At the guild ball, a group of young people appeared on the stage for the first time, which later became known as Das Jungvolk . Since then, this group has understood every year how to gloss over the village population and the authorities and to reveal foolish truths with a pointed tongue. In the meantime some people from this group are active members in the guild committee and the Elferrat.

In 1997, the Waldmössingen fool's guild had to cope with a move. The stuff room in the school had to be given up in favor of classrooms. But the fools guild found their new domicile in the old school building. Here there was not only enough space for the club's utensils, but there was also space to set up a guild room. This year there was a special listening experience at Fasnet; the fool's march had been mixed and recorded with the sound of the 90s. The carnival was also opened in a new form. For the first time since the founding of the guild, the eleven councils marched through the town to dust off the fool's clothes from the head fools at home. At the guild meeting on the same day, the carnival is opened and the fool is brought out of his annual stay.

At Fasnet 2000, the Elferrat was able to present itself in the new Vogt costume. The creation of this new uniform penalty council uniform also marked the last milestone in an extremely successful presidential career. Since taking office as guild master and president, Erich Fus had managed to almost double the number of members and the number of people wearing clothes. In an incomparable way, he managed to integrate young fools into the traditional club and to keep veterans involved. After twelve extremely successful years as guild chairman, Erich Fus handed over the offices of guild master and president to Siegfried Erath.

After Hedwig Erath's death, the title of fool mother remained orphaned for a few years. In 2001 the new president had the honorable task of giving the honorary title back to a well-deserved fool. Agatha Langenbacher, who had cared for and managed the guild's own children's clothing for many years, was appointed mother of fools and given the appropriate insignia by the president.

With Siegfried Erath at the helm, the fools guild said “bye Kirchberghalle” and “Hello” to the fort hall, a special event for the new president, especially since he had been involved in the multi-purpose hall association for years. The name of the new hall was also the program for the carnival 2003. In the fort hall, people looked very Roman again and had a rich selection in the fund of the fools' guild.

In 2009, the former guild master Erich Fus was named fool's father after this title had been vacant for years.

In 2010, Siegfried Erath gave up his post to Manuel Häring and was appointed head fool by him in the same general assembly.

In 2014, the Waldmössingen fools' guild held a children's parade for the first time before the traditional children's ball on Carnival Saturday. From the local administration to the fort hall, countless spectators lined the roadside to celebrate the fool's boom in a dignified manner.

Over the years, the Fasnet in Waldmössingen has become what it is today: an elementary part of the village culture. The noticeably important carnival events are currently the opening ball, the guild ball, the handover of the keys with the disempowerment of the mayor and the local council, the children's ball, the parade with subsequent dress raffle and the house carnival on Monday and Tuesday. But events by other associations and institutions are also an essential part of the Waldmössinger Fasnet. For example, the cap evening of the sports club counts here. The fire brigade's traditional slaughter plate meal, which takes place on Tuesday, is an essential part of the village carnival, as is the parish's elderly carnival. And not to be forgotten are the innkeepers who offer their hospitality to the fools every year.

The fool's guild currently has 490 members and approx. 330 males.

The fool figures

The Hansel

The famous figure and dominant fool figure in the Waldmössinger Fasnet is the Hansel. He belongs to the large family of white fools. The Hansel first came to Waldmössingen in the early 1920s and was completely redesigned in 1963. The three-piece, white linen dress adorns a strictly defined program of figures.

A richly painted smock forms the top. An incident in Waldmössing is painted on its front, which is sung about in the fool's march. Der Buhl, a tinkerer and artist, had built an organ that he wanted to tune. To “get the sound” he went to Sulgen, he wanted to pick up the sound from the organ there. On the way home he hummed the keynote until a crowing rooster at the entrance to Waldmössingen snatched the tone from him. The former Roman fort decorates the back of the smock. The sleeves are decorated with branches of rose hips and sloes, a Roman watchtower, weapons of war and legion markings complete the pictorial program of the top.

An old family of fools from Waldmössing, the married couple Matthäus and Maria Erath, adorn the front of the trouser legs. They are parents of the Waldmössing native poet Vinzenz Erath, who describes his father as a passionate mask carver in one of his books. A Roman legionnaire with a lance and shield and a Roman prefect with a bundle of rods are painted on the back of the trouser legs.

The larvae cover adorned silver thistles, the Heimbach spring and the Sauwadel. In addition, the foxtail is emblazoned there, the symbol of cunning.

Typical of the Hansel is the wood-carved smooth larva, which is surrounded by a wreath of horsehair. Like the classic white jester, the Hansel wears four roller straps crossed over his chest and back, the Gschell. As a fool's attribute, the Hansel carries an ejector basket and pretzel rod with it. White gloves, which symbolize the delicacy and noble nature of the fool, and black low shoes complement the mandatory appearance. The Hansel moves in a prescribed sequence of steps when appearing; he is not allowed to be active after the prayer time has elapsed.

The Schantle

The Waldmössinger Schantle first stepped into the foolish spotlight at the 1965 Carnival. The three-piece dress is made of checked butcher linen. The wood-carved beard larva, a portrait larva, shows the facial features of Carl Kimmich, the first president of the Waldmössingen fool's guild.

A green hat with a stiff edge and colored ribbons sits over the fringed larval hood, the back of the smock is decorated with the Waldmössing coat of arms and large, colored foulards hang in front of the chest as decorative accessories. In addition to the ejection basket, the equipment of the Schantle also includes a stick umbrella with ruffles, lace or fringes. Black loafers and white gloves complete the uniform picture.

An important utensil of the Schantle is the fool's book, in which the comical events over the year are noted and illustrated with corresponding caricatures. From this book the Schantle reads the Aoschick to the affected or other people.

The Schantle comes with limping steps and has meanwhile become a best friend for many old and young fools.

The Jockele

A rustic journeyman has enriched the Waldmössinger Fasnet since 1989. The Jockele appears in two versions. The red rose hip jockele is distinguished from the blue sloe jockele by different colored stockings and other scarfs.

The Jockele wears a green Blätzle smock with brown knee breeches. The bells, which vary in color and shape, hang on it and symbolize rose hips and sloes. The clever, mischievous facial expression of the wooden larva speaks for itself and is underlined by a gray felt hat. The silver thistle and the hedge twig on the hat refer to the origin of the Jockele, the Heckengäu. As an accessory, the Jockele carries a straw bag and as a neck instrument a stick on which bells, foliage and the fox tail hang. Black loafers and black gloves are essential items.

In contrast to the strictly regulated Hansel, the Jockele has a certain freedom in the goarneten Fasnet. Wherever the joker shows up, he brings joy.

The Waldmössinger fool's march

Music plays an important role in all carnival events and your own fool's march creates identity and enhances the community experience. The Hanselgilde recognized this early on and, while the first fool's clothes were being made, made efforts to have a march based on the Waldmössinger Fasnet.

The contact with a composer from Karlsruhe turned out to be successful. In the third year after the founding of the Hanselgilde, Artur Daubenberger made his first tape recording. His wife, Erna Daubenberger, wrote the text, incorporating local conditions that were completely tailored to the new Hansel.

On November 11, 1966, the Waldmössinger jester march sounded for the first time in the general assembly of the Hanselgilde. The piano version heard at that time did not hit the right note for everyone. Only after the score was set for a marching band was the listening experience perfect.

Since then, the Waldmössinger Narrenmarsch has developed into a trademark, is voiced countless times at the Fasnet and has a high identification value. And the choreography of the Fasnet is only created through the interplay of music and movement. The step of the dress-wearers follows the rhythm of the fool's march and the jump in formation of the Waldmössinger fools has meanwhile become an unmistakable feature of the Goarneten.

"So the Goarnete jumps ..." the Waldmössingers sing in their fool's march. But why Goarnete?

The Goarnete has long been the local nickname that has been used in neighboring communities for the Waldmössingers. But why should the people from Waldmössingen be particularly organized?

In a description of the place of the Oberndorf Oberamt from 1868, published by the royal statistical-geographic bureau, the place Waldmössingen was judged very favorably. It literally says: "... the inhabitants, a healthy, strong group of people, are hardworking, economical, moderate, used to order and eager to go to church ...". The further description of "... a friendly and healthy place ..." may have aroused some envy and attracted many scoffers.

And since then the people of Waldmössing have tried to live up to this good judgment and not only appear at the carnival goarnet!

Text of the Waldmössinger Narrenmarsch:

Hoorig isch the cat on the belly, hoorig isch se very,
hoorig isch the cat on the belly, ond net nao on the tail.
If the cat were
n't hoory, hollariarei, she wouldn't catch any more mice, hollariarei.

So nao the Goarnete jumps with a basket and pretzel stick,
so nao the Goarnete jumps, with Schella and singing.

Wadl, Wadl - tails from the sow,
Wadl, Wadl - tails from the sow.

Sauwadelhausen, the Heimbachquell rustling,
there where the Buhl has listened to the cock scream.
The fool is clever, like the fox out of it in the Hag,
the Goarnete jumps, should come what do.

Sauwadelhausen in the Black Forest region,
is known to all Narra, yes Narra.
Silver thistles and sloes in the Gäu,
how soon the carnival is, but the carnival is over.

Das Färrische Goarnete Blatt - The story of the Narrenblättle

After the Waldmössingen fools' guild was founded, a public general assembly in 1936 announced that a mailbox would be hung from the cross at the farm entrance, into which the village gossip for the fool's paper could be thrown. In addition, a fool's newspaper editorial team was formed, consisting of the secretary Lukas Weber and four other members.

The first self-written fool's sheet Aisere Waldmössinger Truths appeared on Shrove Sunday, February 7th, 1937. In the log book you can read about it: “… yeah, yeah, long live foolery. Aiser Narrenblättle is sold, 250 pieces. in number. In the morning after church there is a sale on the town hall square, others go into the houses, everything is tense and wants to have it first… ”.

In the years 1938 and 1939, a fool's paper was published for each carnival, which was sold after church on Carnival Sunday. Unfortunately, this fool's editorial office only had a short life, because after the outbreak of war all foolish activities were banned.

After the end of the war, some steadfast thoughts about the continuation of the carnival tradition. A group was formed that was later called The Seven Whites in the village. In 1947 they began to publish a fool's paper.

This first fool's paper after the Second World War was printed by the company Gatzer & Hahn in Schramberg in an edition of 250 copies at a price of 125 RM, 1/3 of which was payable in kind. The selling price for the fool's paper was set at 50 pfennigs and one egg; the pamphlet found great sales. Some of the eggs were exchanged for bacon, lard and black sausage and handed over to Mr. Gatzer. He was so taken with this currency that he gave the Fool's Leaf editors 20 RM for a drink . At the same time, the conditions for the fool's paper in 1948 were negotiated.

In 1948 another fool's paper was published by the same editorial team; this was sold for 50 pfennigs and two eggs. In the following years the Narrenblättle appeared regularly, in 1951 the title page was given a more modern appearance.

The Narrenblatt editorship experienced severe setbacks from 1958 onwards. Suddenly there was a nameless competition paper that was secretly held at night. These printed works contained personal insults and attacks on the mayor and administration. In addition, anonymous letters were sent in which the fools' editors were defamed. The editors then stopped their work.

After the re-establishment of the fool's guild was still not successful in the following years, the volunteer fire brigade published another fool's paper in 1964.

When the Waldmössingen fool's guild was re-established in 1970, it also took over responsibility for the fool's paper. The editorial team was formed from eleven councilors and active guild members.

The Närrische Goarnede Blatt has been published regularly since 1971. A jubilee jester sheet was published for each of the fools' meetings in 1985 and 1995, as well as for the 25th anniversary of the Hanselgilde and the 50th anniversary of fools paper was honored accordingly.

Over the years, not only have the face and layout of the fool's leaf changed again and again, but the cat on the cover picture has also varied.

In the last few years the Narrenblättle has developed into an illustrated, illustrated work. Due to increasing production costs, the publication of the fool's paper is no longer possible without donations and advertisements. We would therefore like to thank the many business people who give the Närrischer Goarneden Blatt a helping hand every year, as well as the loyal and numerous customers and readers of the paper, and above all those who do unimaginable things every year.

The Sauwadel Club

The Liederkranz choral society played a key role in the history of the Waldmössinger Fasnet. With its annual traditional Sauwadelessen on Schmotzigen Thursday and the resulting terms such as Sauwadelklub and Sauwadelhausen, the choral society has given the Waldmössinger Fasnet a special stamp.

The Sauwadel Club was founded in 1932, triggered by a wet and happy occasion on Carnival Monday, February 8th. The choir member Alois Günter celebrated the marriage with his bride Ottilie Reuter in Sulgen. The wedding was celebrated in three bars, in the linden tree, in the fortress and in the crown and the Waldmössinger Liederkranzler celebrated with. Unemployment was high and money was scarce at this time. So the Liederkräzler went home hungry from the wedding. No, they did not go home, but returned to the Kreuz in Waldmössingen. The singers ran out of money, but they were hungry. Carl Kimmich remembered a couple of Sauwadel that he still had in the tub, but that wasn't enough for all hungry stomachs. Wilhelm Kimmich and Alois Erath offered that they, too, wanted to fetch whatever little things from the house slaughter at home were in the tub. Johannes Notheis went home and brought back some of his mashed sauerkraut. Soon enough was gathered to feed everyone. The improvised food tasted excellent and a tradition was born.

That was the hour of birth of Sauwadel Eating and the Sauwadel Club. As early as next year this meal should be repeated for all singing brothers. Since the times weren't better, Wilhelm Kimmich and Otto Jauch went to the members of the choir on the eve of Schmotzigen Thursday 1933 to collect the Sauwadel for the Sauwadel dinner. Arose out of necessity, it became an established custom.

Immediately after the war, the Sauwadel brothers met again to eat Sauwadel on the Schmotzigen Thursday. From then on, the Sauwadel Club was inseparably part of the Waldmössinger Fasnet and it contributed a substantial part to the Saalfasnet and to the preservation of the carnival tradition. In the 1950s, celebrations took place alternately in the Kreuz and in the Rössle, and the dance band of the Waldmössingen music association played. First the Sauwadelessen for the club members and then the foolish stage program for the public, this was how it was celebrated for decades. And every year the Sauwadel brothers went through the village in groups to pick up the traditional delicacy from the club members.

In 1952, for the 20th anniversary of the Sauwadel Club, Robert Dieck donated a self-composed and texted march, which was to become known as The Sauwadel Song. Other cheesy and mood songs written by Robert Dieck also had a permanent place in the festive program of Sauwadellessens, but the Sauwadellied became a hit. Today, after the fools march, it is the carnival song that is mostly voiced in the Waldmössinger Fasnet.

In the course of the decades the Sauwadelklub became an integral part of the Waldmössinger Fasnet, with terms like Sauwadelhausen or Wadl, Wadl, Schwänzle von der Sau as a reminder of this. The Liederkräzler also took on other tasks in the carnival organization. They provided Elferrat and President and were an integral part of the carnival parade. In 1966, the Sauwadel brothers established another tradition when they first drove in the Sauwagon in the parade. From then on, the oversized pig was an integral and indispensable part of the pageant on Carnival Sunday and the warm Sauwädel distributed by the Sauwadel brothers found many lovers on the roadside.

When the reestablishment of the fools 'guild took place, the Sauwadel brothers gave Elferrat capes and caps to the Elferrat of the fools' guild, then appeared in green peasant smocks and, in keeping with the style, wore their scepter in the form of a Sauwadel cap on their heads.

At the beginning of the new millennium, however, something began that no one had thought possible until then, the tradition of eating sauwaders crumbled. Among other things, due to the decline in membership in the choral society, the traditional festival could no longer be held in the usual way. Even through the joint efforts of the choral society and the fool's guild, it was not possible to celebrate the fat Thursday in its traditional form. In 2005, the pig wagon was missing in the move and two years later the choral society stopped active singing. In 2008, for the first time, the Sauwadel brothers did not have a joint Sauwadel dinner.

However, in recent years it has been shown that a decades-long tradition can flourish again and live on. Elferrat and guild committee have been meeting for a couple of years after taking over the town hall key on the Schmotzige Thursday, alternately in the Kreuz and in the Rössle to eat sauwadel together. Committed fools come together in the cross and eat Sauwadel and here and there the Sauwadel song sounds.

It seems possible that the Waldmössingen fools' guild can repay what the Liederkranz choral society has achieved in times without a guild. It was the Sauwadel Brothers who ensured that the local carnival was secured until the fools' guild took over the scepter in 1970. Now the fools guild has the chance to lead the 75 year old tradition of eating sauwad into a new era. And maybe in Sauwadelhausen they will soon be singing again with united throats “the most beautiful piece, the most beautiful piece, the most beautiful piece of the pig, that can only be, that can only be the Sauwadel”.

Membership in the Upper Neckar Narrenring

In 1969, on the initiative of the Aistaiger Ehrenelferrat Alois Stauß (+), the fools from six places with the aim of "preserving the customs of the old and supporting each other in these matters" formed the Upper Neckar Fool's Ring. The Waldmössingen fool's guild sent Gildemeister Max Erath as well as Eugen Kimmich and Johannes Schneider to the founding meeting. The following guilds of fools have been members of the Oberer Neckar fool's ring since the founding meeting: The fool's guild Aistaig 1924 eV, the fool's guild Bochingen 1925 eV, the fool's guild Boll 1957 eV, the fool's guild Epfendorf 1927 eV, the fool's guild Hochmössingen 1956 eV and the fool's guild Waldmössingen 1935 eV

Important aspects of the Fasnet in Waldmössingen

Hausfasnet in Waldmössingen

In the past, the house carnival was held in all the surrounding towns. In the meantime, Waldmössingen is likely to be the only municipality in the area in which the house carnival is still common in this traditional form. The house carnival in Waldmössingen was already practiced in the 19th century and is probably the oldest custom of the Waldmössingen carnival.

On Carnival Monday, the wearers traditionally meet in the Kreuz and on Carnival Tuesday in the Rössle. Every fool is registered and receives his jump ribbon. The guild master divides the groups and each group of fools is assigned a certain street area in which the house visits take place.

Before the broadcast, the fools are always instructed to adhere to the fool's order and instructed on how a traditional fool should behave. Things like good behavior, saying something without angering anyone and remaining as undetected as possible, or not overdoing the hospitality of the villagers are a matter of course. Mentioning these rules every year underlines the claim to always want to celebrate a carnival. The house carnival ends with the prayer time ringing, whereby Schantle and Jockele are allowed to be active beyond that. Their activity, however, shifts to the inns in the village in the evening.

The Waldmössinger Fasnetsmarkt

In a letter dated February 5, 1892, the royal Württemberg government endorsed the request of the municipal council and citizens' committee to be able to hold the markets that had been approved since 1871 but were reopened. Since then, markets have been held in Waldmössingen three days a year. A special feature was often the first market day of the year. This was set for the first Monday in March and sometimes fell on Carnival Monday, so that market day and carnival were mixed up. In the early years there was a foolish cattle drive, more recent history describes a carnival market where all sorts of funny things are for sale.

Other groups of the Waldmössingen fool's guild (information from March 13, 2014)

Fool father and fool mother

The fool's father is Erich Fus and the fool's mother is Agathe Langenbacher

The penalty council

The penalty council takes care of the day-to-day business of the club and represents it. The board of directors of the association, which consists of the guild president, the scribble master and the bag master, is also integrated in the Elferrat. The guild master is currently Manuel Häring, his deputy is Reiner Fus.

The Hansel Guild

As the name suggests, the Hanselgilde takes care of the wearers and their administration. The Hanselgilde has of course other tasks, such as the organization of the ejection materials for the fools and the orderly appearance of the fools in public. In the meantime, the Hanselgilde is so strongly integrated into the organization of the Fasnet that the Elferrat and the Hanselgilde hold their committee meetings together.

The ballets

The guild of fools is proud to have three ballet groups that regularly take part in public appearances. The guild ballet, the intermediate ballet and the young ballet play their part in creating a well-rounded image for the Waldmössingen fools' guild.


  • Ulrich Jaud, Bernd Bantle, Sandra Kammerer: Chronicle calendar of the fool's guild Waldmössingen. Published by the Narrenzunft Waldmössingen 1935.

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