Nathalie Todenhöfer Foundation

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The Nathalie-Todenhöfer Foundation is a company incorporated in Germany by Nathalie Todenhöfer Foundation , under the motto enjoyment of life for MS sufferers in need persons involved in the autoimmune disease multiple sclerosis suffer helps.


With its work, the foundation aims in particular at those affected “who are particularly badly off and whom neither the state nor other charitable organizations can help”. Specifically, this means that the foundation helps, for example, to find the right therapeutic offer , mediates specialists or provides financial assistance. The foundation also enables people with disabilities to convert their homes to meet the needs of the disabled . The foundation does not see itself as a competitor to the existing German Multiple Sclerosis Society , but as their partner, which requires mutual coordination.


The foundation was established in December 2006 and operates throughout Germany. Nathalie Todenhöfer came up with the idea after she was diagnosed with MS in 2004. In order to be able to put her project into practice, she was supported by her family with the foundation's assets.

Council and Presidency

In addition to her father Jürgen Todenhöfer and Monika Hohlmeier , the board of trustees also includes the neuroimmunologist Reinhard Hohlfeld , who diagnosed Nathalie Todenhöfer at the time. Other members are Kai Diekmann and Werner Kimmig . The board consists of Nathalie Todenhöfer as chairwoman and her deputy, the lawyer Stefan Leberfinger.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. "Experience the cohesion". June 23, 2019, accessed January 24, 2020 .
  2. Quote from the foundation HP
  3. Heiner Lenze: From the wheelchair to the racing bike. May 31, 2016, accessed January 24, 2020 .
  4. Nathalie Todenhöfer: Fights for her body feeling. Retrieved January 24, 2020 .