NASA Space Science Data Coordinated Archive

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The NASA Space Science Data Coordinated Archive ( NSSDCA ), formerly the National Space Science Data Center (NSSDC) , archives all scientific results from US research satellites and space probes as well as descriptions of these and their scientific instruments. The descriptions of the scientific missions of other countries are also offered (if available). It also contains various collections of images about planets, moons, comets, asteroids and space vehicles. The NSSDCA is from the Goddard Space Flight Center of NASA operated.

Master Catalog

The Master Catalog enables targeted searches for:

  • all spacecraft
  • Spacecraft experiments
  • Publications
  • Maps of Mercury, Mars and the Moon

When searching for spacecraft, you can search for them by name or start date, and you can also specify the intended use. In addition to a description, which in the case of research satellites or space probes often also contains images, it also has a subpage with orbital data. There are also links to the experiments, publications and pictures, if they are available. (In the case of news or military satellites, there is often only a very short description and orbit data.)


All spacecraft have a unique number in this catalog, the NSSDCA ID . It is made up of the start year, a hyphen, the start number (how many start in the year, three-digit) and one to three letters that indicate which spacecraft or other component of the respective launch is involved. The numbering almost always starts with the spacecraft. The catalog available on the Internet usually only contains information about the spacecraft.


Web links