National Consumption Study II

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The National Consumption Study II (NVS II) is a nationwide survey on the nutritional situation of adolescents and adults between November 2005 and January 2007.


The first national consumption study was carried out between 1985 and 1988. The food supply and eating habits have changed significantly since then. The second National Consumption Study aims to investigate how food consumption and the nutrient supply of people living in Germany have changed. An example of the change is the increasing consumption of fast food or convenience food (ready-to-cook dishes such as frozen pizzas). In addition, foreign dishes (e.g. Mediterranean or Asian cuisine) have found their way and almost all types of fruit are available all year round (e.g. strawberries in winter from South Africa).

The study is carried out by the Federal Research Center for Nutrition and Food in Karlsruhe. The client is the Federal Ministry for Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection . The last representative survey was almost 20 years ago and only concerned the old federal states. Up-to-date, representative information for Germany is urgently needed for prevention programs, consumer education and for specific recommendations to risk groups.


The client was the Federal Ministry for Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection. The organization and evaluation was carried out by an NVS project team at the Federal Research Center for Nutrition and Food, Karlsruhe, under the project coordination of Cornelie Pfau, previously: Christine Brombach, Ulrich Oltersdorf. The data collection was carried out by TNS Healthcare, Munich. Around 20,000 participants between the ages of 14 and 80 in 500 study centers across Germany were surveyed by eight teams of four, each based on data from the registration offices from November 2005 to January 2007. The teams' downtime was three days at each location. Upon request, each participant received a detailed evaluation of their eating habits.

The results of the NVS II were published on January 30, 2008.


The aim of the NVS II is to show representative data for Germany on the current and usual consumption of food and to map the nutritional status of the population. The consumption data enable statements to be made about which nutrients German citizens consume. For example, it is examined how high the fat content is in the daily diet and which vitamins or minerals are ingested with the food. At the same time, the amount of food is collected, to what extent z. B. fortified foods or organic foods are consumed.

In addition, body size and weight, information on physical activity and sociodemographic data (age, gender, etc.) are determined. This information provides information about the general state of health.

Information on eating habits (who eats when, where, what) provides important information for individual and everyday nutritional recommendations.


Between November 2005 and January 2007 around 20,000 German-speaking people from 500 randomly selected municipalities were surveyed nationwide. The participants were between 14 and 80 years old and lived in private households. The long study period was chosen to also take seasonal effects into account.

The personal interview was held at a location close to the participant, e.g. B. elementary school. The usual eating habits and body dimensions were determined. The current consumption of the last 24 hours was then asked, within the following two months, on two randomly selected days in telephone interviews.

A total of five data collection methods were used at NVS II:

  1. Diet History Method (personal interview about the eating habits of the last four weeks)
  2. Capi ( Computer Assisted Personal Interview - query of health behavior and sociodemographic data)
  3. 24-hour recall via CATI (Computer Assisted Telephone Interview - query of food intake over the last 24 hours)
  4. General questionnaire on eating habits and knowledge about nutrition and
  5. Weighing log (1000 participants weigh their meals on two times four days and write everything down in a diary)

Some results

  • 66% of men and approx. 51% of women in Germany are overweight ( BMI ≥ 25) or obese (obese, BMI ≥30)
  • The proportion of overweight and obese people increases significantly with age: between the ages of 70 and 80, 84% of men and 74% of women are overweight or obese
  • 75% of boys and 77% of girls between the ages of 14 and 17 are of normal weight
  • The proportion of underweight girls increases from 4% to 10% between the ages of 14 and 17
  • The median of the population in Germany has a good supply of vitamins and nutrients, with the exception of vitamin D , folic acid and iodine , which show significant deficits.
  • 48% of men and 49% of women do not achieve the recommended daily intake of vitamin E, 82% of men and 91% of women do not achieve the recommended daily intake of vitamin D.
  • Less than 0.1% of the population in Germany have a vegan diet , so a total of around 80,000 people.
  • Meat consumption decreases with education. "The upper class only consumes around 80% of the meat, meat products and sausage products compared to the lower classes."

Individual evidence

  1. National Consumption Study II, Part 1, publication by the Federal Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection National Consumption Study II, Part 2, publication by the Federal Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection
  2. Primary data for nutrition reporting (PDF; 154 kB)
  3. National Consumption Study II, Part 2 (PDF), page 110 ff.
  4. National Consumption Study 2 (PDF) p. 60

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