Natural area offer

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Natural area offer is a term used in German-speaking landscape ecology or geography that encompasses all natural resources that are generally offered in a certain natural area . It is not considered how this offer can be used.

Differentiation from similar terms

The term is related to the so-called natural space equipment . However, this relates purely to the determination of geofactors without these having to be natural resources.

In landscape ecology , one speaks of natural space potential when the natural space is considered in terms of potential use. It is not important whether this potential is actually used. Furthermore, it is questioned how efficient the offer is. A natural area can be questioned, for example:

  • how efficient it is for agriculture and forestry.
  • how it is suitable for leisure and recreation.
  • how it is suitable for building.

Essentially, the question is to what extent a space is able to take on economic (agriculture, industry), social (living, recreation) and ecological functions.

Of natural resources is called then within the German speaking-landscape ecological theory frame when a certain part of the natural space potential is used economically, or is planned to use this. In general scientific parlance, the less prerequisite concept of natural resources has established itself .


  • Reader, Hartmut (Hrsg.): DIERCKE Dictionary of General Geography. Deutscher Taschenbuchverlag, Munich 2001, ISBN 978-3423034227
  • Lexicon of Geosciences. Spectrum Academic Publishing House, 2005, ISBN 978-3-8274-1654-4