Ryžovna nature reserve

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The largest of the groups of basalt columns.

The nature reserve Ryžovna is located in the Bohemian Western Ore Mountains south of Ryžovna ( German  soap ) in the Czech Republic .

It lies on a basalt cover with an area of ​​approx. 20 ha at a height of 1000  m nm. The flat ridge is the watershed between Eger and Zwickauer Mulde . The rock of the ceiling was uncovered on the north and south slopes of the ridge between Ryžovna and Hřebečná by two quarries that have been closed since 1960. The basalt in the quarry on the north slope has a cuboid to plate-shaped structure, on the south slope a coarse column structure with columns 50 to 80 cm in diameter and several meters high. A short path to this natural monument branches off from the Ryžovna – Hřebečná road opposite a dilapidated building a little above the transformer tower.

On the northern slope of the basalt ridge there is a valuable remnant of natural beech forest on basalt rubble, the structure and species composition of which is unusually preserved, at this height it is a unique appearance. Climax spruce trees with rich ground herbs adjoin the beech forest .

Due to the effects of the weather, a species-rich community of flowering tall grasses was created in the sheltered location under the ridge in places with a lot of snow and constant swamp, including some particularly protected, highly endangered plant species. In the constantly wet places with springs there are sedge and peat communities with a typical species composition. So far, more than 144 plant species have been identified, 17 of which are protected.

The declaration of the nature reserve was made in 1996.

Web links

Commons : Ryžovna nature reserve  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Coordinates: 50 ° 23 ′ 49 ″  N , 12 ° 50 ′ 2 ″  E