Nchumbulu (people)

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The Nchumbulu (also Ntwumuru or Nchumru ) are a people in Ghana . The Nchumbulu belong to the Guang peoples of Ghana. Their settlement area extends between the Volta (or Volta Reservoir ) and the Oti River between the cities of Salaga and Kete Krachi , with the Kratsche settling in the local area dividing the Nchumbulu country into an eastern and a western part.

Neighbors of the Eastern Nchumbulu are the Ntrubo in the east, the Adele in the north, the Kratschi in the west and some Akan groups in the south. The western Nchumbulu have Kratsche in the east , Gonja in the north , Brong in the west and Ashanti in the south . Around 1,900 Nchumulu live in three villages on the Volta reservoir near Kplang . The language of this ethnic group is also called Nchumulu and belongs to the language group of the North Guang languages .

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